In Memoriam
E. Peter Geiduschek
Consulting Professor
Following a distinguished career in biochemistry and biophysics at the Universities of Chicago and California (San Diego), Dr. Peter Guiduschek joined the Department of Structural Biology, where faculty, students and fellows benefited from his knowledge, insight, and critical acumen. Peter was a beloved friend and great teacher.
William Weis
Member, National Academy of Sciences
Research Interest: Our laboratory studies molecular interactions that underlie the establishment and maintenance of cell and tissue structure. Our principal areas of interest are the architecture and dynamics of intercellular adhesion junctions, signaling pathways that govern cell fate determination, and determinants of cell polarity. We also have a long-standing interest in carbohydrate-based cellular recognition and adhesion. We take a strongly reductionist approach to these problems by reconstituting macromolecular assemblies with purified components in order to analyze them using biochemical, biophysical and structural methods. Mechanistic models derived from these studies are tested in cell culture systems.