Implementation Overview

To learn more about launching SYDCP, please refer to the Process Map and Check List.

Implementation Details

Recruiting Guide

To implement SYDCP, you need to identify: 

1. Where to recruit high school student participants 

2. Where to recruit SYDCP instructors. 

The best way to engage high school students is to collaborate with high schools to include SYDCP in their curriculum.  SYDCP was designed specifically to help students from under-resourced communities with more than 50% eligible for free or discounted lunch. The best way to find instructors to teach SYDCP is to reach out to family medicine residency programs or other health professional training programs in your community.  Certified Diabetes Self Management Coaches also have successfully taught SYDCP.

If you are a high school who is interested in participating in the SYDCP Program, please share our website with your local family medicine residency program or AHEC.

Integrating SYDCP into Family Medicine Residency Programs

At the beginning, it is helpful to have a sponsoring community organization such as your Area Health Education Center(AHEC) which can connect the high schools with the health organization providing the instructors.  Another potential resource is your local SNAP-Ed office.  In 2022, SYDCP was selected as one of the SNAP-Ed evidence-based interventions.

To learn more about how to launch SYDCP, please refer to the Process Map and Check List. Refer to the Access to Materials page to submit our Community Partner Agreement before gaining access to course documents.