December 9th, 2023
Submit a two-page Pilot Project proposal (no budget required), the SPrINT team will work with selected applicants on a Scope of Work and then will run the studies and provide you with the data and or tissue to help you expand your research program with pilot data using new models/technologies.
April 15th - April 19th, 2024
A week long practical course that provides training to 20-25 participants in all aspects of 3D in vitro study of neural development and disease modeling.
April 15th - April 19th, 2024
In collaboration with the Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology at the University of California Santa Cruz, the workshop aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledge in microscopy techniques for reproducible and cutting-edge neuroscience research.
BFNL with SPrINT: Evaluating Learning and Memory for Behavioral Genetics and Drug Discovery
June 24th - June 28th, 2024
A week long interactive course on practical, mechanistic, and ethological aspects of Learning and Memory Behaviors, with emphasis on mouse models of neurodegenerative diseases.