Highlighting Candidates' Use of Practices to Enhance Research Rigor and Reproducibility

The Stanford Program on Research Rigor and Reproducibility (SPORR) recommends ways to highlight Candidates’ use of research practices designed to make their research reliable, robust, and transparent.

These reccomendations are available at the How to Organize Your CV/Candidate's Statement page of the Office of Academic Affairs.

Optional CV items include adding a persitent identifier (e.g. ORCID iD), and highlighting and linking the availability of protocols, analysis plans, analytic code, data, article’s public accessibility, trial registration, trial summary results, peer review reports, presentation materials, and video recordings.

Additionally, we reccomend that the accompanying Candidate's Statment includes a decription of the following pracites:

  • Use and sharing of study protocols with analysis plans, code, data and meta-data.
  • Documented re-use of shared research products.
  • Use of data management practices and tools in the research group to assure version control and trackable data curation from point of acquisition to published research outputs (e.g. images, figures and tables).
  • Use of research methods or designs to maximize internal validity, e.g. detailed protocols, blinding, randomization, sample size calculations, independent replications and validation.
  • Use of validation for biological materials and reagents.
  • Use of independent code/data/figure/table reproducibility checks.
  • Registration and results reporting practices of all clinical research.
  • Use of a lab manual and orientation practices to teach R&R practices, tools, philosophy and expectations of all lab members.
  • How R&R practices are implemented in multi-team collaborations.
  • Development and/or dissemination of R&R tools and practices to others.
  • Recognitions for R&R practices received.