Administrative Core
We bring together the support and commitment of the institution at its highest levels by providing integrated infrastructure for the logistical and management requirements of the SPHERE center.
Who We Are
The Administrative Core is the central resource for management, coordination, and support of the center’s overall goals and of each of the projects and cores.
What We Do
The Administrative Core provides financial oversight, administrative support, and evaluation of progress to ensure efficiency and productivity of projects and cores. The Administrative Core also facilitates communication among the Scientific Cores, Research Projects, Steering Committee, community partners, and NIMHD and oversees collaboration with the four other Transdisciplinary Collaborative Centers (TCC).
The five national Transdisciplinary Collaborative Centers, established in 2016, with the goal of exploring precision medicine to promote health equity and advance the science of minority health and health disparities, include:
- Center of Excellence in Precision Medicine and Population Health: Vanderbuilt University, Meharry Medical College, University of Miami
- Stanford Precision Health for Ethnic and Racial Equity (SPHERE) Transdisciplinary Collaborative Center
- Medical University of South Carolina Transdisciplinary Collaborative Center in Precision Medicine and Minority Men's Health
- Yale Transdisciplinary Collaborative Center for Health Disparities Research Focused on Precision Medicine
- African American Cardiovascular Pharmacogenetic CONsorTium (ACCOuNT): discovery and translation: Northwestern University, University of Chicago
Health Disparities Research Center Launched with $11.5 Million Grant
Yvonne Maldonado and Mark Cullen will lead a new NIH-funded center aimed at improving the health of underserved ethnic and racial groups. (Photo: Norbert von der Groeben)