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Research Participant Engagement Program (RPEP)

Spectrum provides resources and tools to help Stanford research teams meet their participant engagement and retention goals, with a focus on engaging participants as partners in research.

Community Engagement and Bi-directional Partnerships

For studies involving academic-community partnerships, particularly those featuring equitable leadership, our staff can assist you in various phases of the study, including practices for developing and supporting community advisory boards, study design, and evaluation of partnership processes and practices.

Participant Engagement Consultations and Resources

Our staff can assist you with all phases of the participant engagement process, including designing a plan, reviewing study ads and flyers, outreaching to potential participants via “honest broker”, and connecting you with co-investigators at other institutions.

For Participants

Connect to the Stanford Clinical Trials Directory, Stanford Research Registry, and read our most frequently asked questions about participating in research at Stanford.

Tools for Cohort Selection

Stanford has developed informatics tools to help you identify and quantify potential participants listed in Stanford’s electronic medical records system. We’re also members of several collaborations where Stanford researchers can search for co-investigators and patient participants at other research institutions.

Additional Resources