Winter Break:  The Spectrum OnCore Support (Non-Cancer) is observing the Stanford winter closure 12/21/24 - 01/05/25.  OnCore requests (study registrations, etc.) and questions can be submitted, but will be processed after the return on January 6. 

For login issues, please call the TDS Service Desk at 650-725-8000 or open a help ticket and mention "OnCore".

Home  >  Researcher Resources > OnCore for Non-Cancer

OnCore for Non-Cancer

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What is OnCore?

OnCore is Stanford’s secure, centralized system for tracking clinical research.

How should OnCore be used?
Stanford School of Medicine policy requires that all clinical research involving consent under Stanford purview must be registered and must record accrual in OnCore—even if no participant signature is required (IRB has a “waiver of documentation” for info sheets or online surveys).

How can I learn more about OnCore?

Watch this brief OnCore video, and refer to our Frequently Asked Question.

How can I contact the OnCore team?

Email the OnCore Help desk

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