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K12 Mentored
Career Development Program 

The School of Medicine K12 Mentored Career Development Program (K12 Scholars Program) at Stanford University is a two-year research program funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Stanford Clinical Translational Science Award (CTSA). The K12 Scholars Program is designed to offer advanced training in clinical and translational research to junior faculty. The program offers flexible learning models to engage scholars in team science, individual development plans, advanced research training, and career guidance. K12 Scholars will pursue a mentored research project in their area of expertise. It is expected that the research performed within the K12 program will provide the basis for an independent NIH award (e.g., K23, K08, or R01).


Questions? Contact K12 Program Manager, Ellen Orasa.

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K12 Mentoring and Oversight

Each awardee will have at least two mentors — a Research Mentor, who serves as a guide for their research project, and an Academic/Career Mentor, who provides academic and career oversight and professional advice. An additional mentor may include a Community Engaged Research (CEnR) Mentor, who can facilitate building partnerships with community and patient groups that may be relevant to the scholar’s research area. The K12 Program Director will assign the Academic/Career Mentors and the Council of CEnR Mentors Chair will assign the CEnR Mentors (if applicable).

Mentors are accomplished investigators in clinical and translational research with a track record of success in training new investigators and fostering their success as independent researchers.

An initial and annual Career Development Plan is required. An overall K12 program advisor will monitor awardee during the award period to ensure milestones are met.

Program Guidelines and Application Requirements

Applicants must:

  • Possess a research or health-related doctoral degree.
  • Pursue a career path and proposed program in human/translational research. All topics are considered including digital health.
  • Have a full-time (100%) appointment at Stanford University and demonstrate a long-term commitment from sponsoring Division or Department.
  •  Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident by the application deadline (those with visa status are not eligible to apply).
  • Commit 75% of professional effort to the program (surgical specialties scholars may commit 50%). The remaining 25% (or 50% for surgical specialties scholars) can be divided among other research, clinical, and teaching activities if these activities are consistent with the proposed goals of the K12 Program. The K12 program provides support for a minimum of two years of consecutive funding for each scholar.
  •  Not simultaneously submit or have a pending application for any other Public Health Service (PHS) mentored career development award (e.g., K07, K08, K22, K23, F99/K00), submitted or under review, that duplicates the provisions of the K12 program.
  • Not be or have been a principal investigator on an NIH R01 or equivalent non-PHS peer reviewed grants that are over $100,000 direct costs per year, or a project leader on a sub-project of Program Project (P01) or Center Grants (P50). A K12 scholar candidate who is already in the process of applying for an independent mentored career development grant, Program Project Grants/Center Grants or equivalent is likely too senior for the Kl2 award.


Selected K12 Scholars Will:

  • Obtain IRB or IACUC approval and NCATS prior approval prior to beginning the research.
  • Complete, during their two years of funding, a course on the Responsible of Conduct of Research (RCR) Training. See NIH's requirement for Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), for more information on this policy. The Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics provides a one-day training, The Responsible Conduct of Research (MED 255), that will fulfill this requirement. For questions, contact med255rcr@stanford.edu.
  • Attend the Association for Clinical and Translational Science Annual Meeting and present their scientific work.
  • Provide semi-annual updates on research and career development progress and complete annual reports for the K12 Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) submitted to NCATS.
  • Complete an annual report and present it to the K12 Advisory Committee. The second year of funding is contingent upon a successful Committee review.
  • Attend at least 80% of K12 Scholar Seminars (minimum of 10 per quarter), weekly on Fridays from 11:30am to 1:00pm.
  • Attend the summer annual CTR Summer Bootcamps.
  • Participate in at least 10 career development workshops.
  • Attend at least one Route to Getting Grants (R2G2) seminar.
  • By the end of the training program, be prepared to submit for extramural research funding (NIH, AHRQ, PCORI, or foundation/industry awards) for additional career development or independent research grants.
  • Submit three or more original multidisciplinary peer-reviewed publications, at least two of these as first or last author.
  • Complete K12 annual RPPR requests for 15 years after completion of their K12.


Mentors of K12 Scholars Will:

  • Provide research support and guidance towards an independent research career, with a planned series of meetings and activities, in addition to frequent discussion and guidance as needed.
  • Meet annually with the K12 Scholar and K12 Leadership Team to review overall career and training goals and activities.
  • Participate in K12 mentor training each year.

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training

As a recipient of one of NIH's Career Development Awards (K series), K12 Scholars are required to complete Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training. See NIH's requirement for Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), for more information on this policy.

The Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics provides a one-day training, The Responsible Conduct of Research (MED 255), that will fulfill this requirement.

For questions, contact med255rcr@stanford.edu.

Acknowledge the Grant: NIH Required Language

Projects that are funded by or utilize Stanford CTSA resources or services are required to acknowledge the grant in publications and grant applications. This includes participants of the K12 Mentored Career Development Program.

Use this language verbatim:

“Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Center For Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number K12TR004930. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health."

K12 Scholars

K12 Handbook

Important dates

  • November 2024: K12 Request for Applications released
  • February 17, 2025: K12 Application due by 11:59 PM PT
  • April 2025: Selected K12 Scholars announced
  • Funding Cycle: September 1, 2025 through August 31, 2027