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Funding Opportunities

Spectrum offers several funding sources for career development, team science, and pilot projects, including those accessible via the Innovation Accelerator Pilot Program.

Contact Ellen Orasa, Pilot and K12 Program Manager

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Innovation Accelerator Pilot Program

This early-stage funding program accelerates the translation of medical discoveries into better health through innovation training, mentorships, and pilot funding of promising projects.

Funding period: one year

Funding range: up to $50,000

Program goals:

  • To stimulate innovative clinical and translational research
  • To encourage collaborative, transdisciplinary work to accelerate the translation of medical discoveries into improved health
  • To enable investigators to gather proof-of-concept data that facilitates follow-on funding, information dissemination, and momentum that helps to move these novel solutions from the idea stage to clinical use
  • Transdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged but are not a requirement for funding.

SPARK Translational Research Program is a novel drug and diagnostics discovery program that teaches an innovative, cost-effective way to overcome the hurdles associated with translating academic discoveries into drugs or diagnostics that address real clinical needs.

Stanford Biodesign – Medtech is a biomedical technology innovation program that assembles teams of medical, engineering and business students to develop solutions to address unmet medical needs.

SPADA (the Stanford Predictives and Diagnostics Accelerator) assists interdisciplinary innovators in research, development and deployment of technologies that improve human health through disease prediction and/or diagnosis.

Population Health Sciences is a program that facilitates information exchange, collaboration and resource sharing among faculty, staff, students and partners interested in population health.

Community Engagement Pilot Program is a program that aims to support projects that engage community partners in clinical and translational research, to understand and address health needs of their community.

SoM K12 Mentored Career Development Program

The School of Medicine K12 Mentored Career Development Program supports junior faculty pursuing a career path and proposed program in clinical and translational research by fostering their success as independent researchers through mentorship.

Funding period: 2 years

Dedicated research time: 75% (50% for surgeons/proceduralists)

Base salary support: up to $120,000 per year (or $106,050 per year for surgical specialties)

Research or master’s program funding: $20,000 per year

Travel stipend: $2,000 per year

Program Benefits

  • Weekly career development workshops and activities
  • Academic Career, Methods, and Community Engaged Research Mentoring
  • Access to Stanford CTSA support services

Additional Resources

Funding Opportunities: Research Management Group (RMG)

Funding information and resources for the Stanford University research community.

Stanford Seed Funding

Find numerous internal funding opportunities for faculty and their research teams.

Diversity Research Supplements

The CTSA Program diversity research supplement promotes diversity in health-related research..

NIH Grant Acknowledgment

Projects funded by Spectrum are required to acknowledge the grant. Here’s how.