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Intensive Course in Clinical Research

The Intensive Course in Clinical Research (ICCR) is a one-week immersion course for novice clinical investigators, senior residents, fellows, and junior faculty (Assistant Professor and below from any faculty line) at Stanford interested in pursuing a career in clinical and translational research at Stanford and who have not had formal training in clinical research as part of a Masters or PhD degree program in Public Health or Epidemiology.


Get notified when the call for nominations is announced.


During the course, students spend five days and four evenings immersed in all aspects of research study design and performance. The format combines didactics with intense group/team activities focused on practical issues in clinical research design—from selection of a researchable study question through the actual writing of a research proposal. Lectures and panel discussions are presented by an accomplished faculty of Stanford clinical researchers and key leaders from the Stanford community. Every presentation includes a discussion of relevant issues.

Course Dates: September 5 – 12, 2025

Course will be held in-person, on-campus

For early acceptance, please complete this form AND include a letter from your department chair/division chief or manager, releasing you from all clinical and work-related duties during the course week. A research project will be due by August 15; early submission is encouraged.  


Nominations: June 30, 2025
Participant Confirmation: July 25, 2025
Proposals and Slides: August 15, 2025 (3 weeks prior to course start)

Next Course:  September 11 - 18, 2026 

Participant Commitment

Students must bring a personal commitment to focus on the course for the full week (including evenings and the weekend) and are required to be relieved of all clinical and other work-related responsibilities for the duration of the course. The department chair/division chief/fellowship director selects and nominates prospective course participants through a nomination form whereby they release nominees from all clinical and work-related duties during the week of the course.

How To Apply

To attend, Stanford participants can self-register or be nominated by their Department Chair or Division Chief. Participants may attend the full program (submit a proposal and be assigned to a mentored team) or audit (lectures only). If self-registering for the program, add the name of your department chair as they will be notified of your attendance and commitment to the course.

There are 30 full-time slots available on a first-come-first served basis. Additional slots may be available closer to the course date.

Course Directors

Steven Goodman, MD, MHS, PhD 
Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health
Associate Dean of Clinical and Translational Research

Steven Alexander, MD 
Professor of Pediatrics, Nephrology

Mary Leonard, MD 
Professor and Chair, Pediatrics

Rita Popat, PhD, MS 
Clinical Associate Professor, Epidemiology and Population Health

Key Benefits

  • ICCR explores career advancement, time management, and the challenges of clinical trials research, and provides opportunities to discuss individual projects and collaborate with peers and mentors.
  • ICCR inspires networking across departments with an extended network of colleagues and provides resources to achieve successful clinical and translational research projects.
  • Course objectives:
    • Learn about the different types of designs for clinical research and their advantages and disadvantages for addressing different clinical issues.
    • Conceptualize a clinical decision problem as a researchable question and choose an appropriate design.
    • Efficiently use resources such as statistical and data management consultation to appropriately size the study.
    • Learn how to choose among the various types of endpoints and analyses.
    • Learn how to anticipate and address ethical issues that may arise as a result of the study design and elicit valid informed consent.


Forms and Templates

Mentorship and Testimonials

ICCR is a week-long intensive "immersion" experience. Students spend six days and a few early evenings immersed in all aspects of research study design and performance. The format combines didactics with intensive group activities focused on structured critique and improvement of the students’ projects, in which the mentors play a key role. This course has long served as a critical foundation for the careers of research fellows and junior faculty, and our ability to provide it without charge has been due to the extraordinary voluntary contributions of faculty.

Prior to the course each student must submit a brief research "concept proposal" and at that time be assigned to learning groups with 5-6 students. Each team will also be assigned a Stanford biostatistician and two seasoned faculty clinical investigators who serve as team mentors. After a careful review by the team that includes preliminary study design steps for all students’ questions, each team selects one question to develop fully into a study proposal then spends the remainder of the week designing the study and writing the proposal. Teams will present their completed projects to the group at large on Friday and mentors and peers will critique the projects. 

Mentors are needed for approximately 2-4 hours per day plus an orientation in August. The first two days of the course are most important, so we hope you can join us on the first Friday and first Monday of the course, as well as the remaining times during the week as projects are further discussed and a team project is selected for presentation on the last Friday.

We would be very grateful for your involvement. If interested in mentoring, please contact Jessica Meyer.