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Spectrum Programs

Organized into 10 areas of focus, our Programs support a wide range of initiatives that accelerate discoveries, innovation, and clinical applications designed to enhance health.

Strategic Management

Aiming to minimize administrative burdens and improve services for program activities.

Hub Liaison Team

Establishing a seamless integration of CTSA Hubs to participate in and carry out multisite clinical trials.

Workforce Development for Clinical Research Staff Professionals

Educating investigators, trainees, and research staff professionals to be effective team members and leaders in Clinical, Translational, and Science of Translation Research and Education (CTSRE).

Community and Stakeholder Engagement Research

Building CTR capacity among community partners, patients, researchers, and other stakeholders.

Resources and Services: Data & Methods

Promoting a user-centered support structure to help CTR investigators identify the best source of assistance in study design, analysis, and interpretation.

Resources and Services: Clinical & Translational Research Operations

Ensuring that our conduct of clinical research is of the highest quality, as demonstrated by a validated set of metrics.

Health Informatics

Focusing on the data platforms, tools, and training essential to our clinical and translational research mission.

Clinical & Translational Science (CTS) Pilots

Accelerating translation through projects that impact efficacy, speed, and generalizability of the translational process.

Translational Science Research Program

Developing translational science systems for real-world data with representative, diverse, national populations in coordination with effective and efficient structures for education and training.

Institutional Career Development (K12) Program

Providing high-quality personalized training in clinical and translational research and education to junior faculty.

Additional Resources

Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program

develops innovative solutions to improve the efficiency, quality, and impact of the process for turning observations in the laboratory, clinic, and community into interventions that improve the health of individuals and the public.

Coordination, Communication, and Operations Support (CCOS) for the NCATS CTSA Program

serves the CTSA Program through coordination, transparent communication, team science, actionable metrics, analytics and innovative collaboration tools.

Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS)

provides members with a platform for advancing the discipline of clinical and translational science to improve human health.