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Stanford-UOP team brings clinical research learning to dental school



Stanford CTSA’s focus areas and programs support a wide range of initiatives that accelerate discoveries, innovation, and clinical applications designed to enhance health. One noteworthy example is Stanford Medicine’s new partnership with University of Pacific (UoP) dental school. Labeled PRIMED, the partnership is being funded by a $3.8 million grant from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research of the National Institutes of Health.

This partnership expands and integrates Stanford’s research learning with UoP’s clinical research practicums. Stanford’s CTSA team has already adapted two workforce development courses, Essentials of Clinical Research and Intensive Course in Clinical Research (ICCR), for dental school clinical and translational education. Dr. John Borghi, Data Management Project Manager in the School of Medicine Research Office, recently lectured on Data Management Documentation, research design, informed consent, writing, and reviewing study protocols at the UoP Dental School. Further, CTSA staff is collaborating with the Dental School to develop the biobanking related aims of the PRIMED project, with the ultimate goal of collecting rich data and samples to accelerate future research projects and collaborations, not only between Stanford and UoP, but also with other CTSA hubs.

Given the productivity and synergies created from the UOP and Stanford CTSA collaboration, and to help increase the participation of the dental schools in CTSA activities such as pilots and other initiatives, NCATS recently launched a discussion forum to initiate conversations and facilitate interactions among dental schools’ investigators across the CTSA consortium. The next forum takes place on January 10, 2025, on “CTSA Program Collaborative Innovation Awards Funding Opportunity.” Contact Marilyn Dion for more information.

Photo above: 
Pacific students collaborating to develop research protocols | March 18th, 2024 | Taken with their permission.