Visiting Scholars

Jenna Alley, PhD


Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Genetics 
Social Justice Equity and Inclusion Chair | CAL STAR Network
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences

Research Interests: In my work I investigate the potential psychobiological mechanisms through which stress, adversity and abuse, faced across developmental periods, influence the mental, physical and sexual health of sexually diverse and gender diverse populations.

Hsin-Ling Hsu, PhD

Visiting Scholar
Investigator at Institute of Molecular and Genomic Medicine in National Health Research Institutes (Taiwan), known for her research on the molecular mechanism of MCT-1 oncogene.

Research Interests: Cancer Immunotherapy Against Tumor Recurrence, Metastasis, Metabolism and Microenvironment. Dr. Hsu is also an Adjunct Professor at Department of Life Science in Tung-Hai University and has served as a Health Product Research Consultant at Hi-Q Marine Biotech International Ltd.

Shahar Lev Ari, PhD

Shahar Lev Ari, a Visiting scholar at Professor Michael Snyder's Lab, Department of Genetics, Stanford University.

Research interests:  I am a member and former Chair of the Department of Health Promotion, in the School of Public Health, in the Faculty of Medicine at Tel-Aviv University, former director, and founder of the Integrative Medicine Center & Research Laboratory at the Tel- Aviv Medical Center, and Head of the Health Promotion Unit in the Integrated Cancer Prevention Center.  More My training is in cellular biology, integrative medicine, intervention research, and health promotion science. The goal of my research is to unravel the biology, physiology, and psychology of integrative medicine approaches and translate findings into interventions that effectively target salutogenic mechanisms underpinning the biopsychology of well-being. In this regard, I have developed the mechanistic foundation of integrative medicine approaches in hospital settings as an integral part of the Institute of Oncology at the Tel-Aviv Medical Center.

I have developed methodological expertise in the design and implementation of clinical trials of integrative mind-body interventions for reducing stress, enhancing well-being, and empowering health promotion behaviors, as well as in advanced statistical analyses of clinical outcomes, individual risk factors, and inflammatory pathways and moderators. I have so far mentored more than 50 graduate and postgraduate students and won the Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence. To complement my expertise in clinical research, I trained in integrative medicine approaches, including Chinese medicine and shiatsu, meditation, and whole-person lifestyle and have conducted over 15 years of health promotion consultancy and mindfulness-based programs for patients in both hospital and community-based integrative medicine settings. I have successfully led interdisciplinary research teams, including experimental studies and spearheaded biostatistical analyses leading to the publication of more than 70 peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts and book chapters in high-impact journals, including the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Clinical Cancer Research and Jama Network Open.

I received the Outstanding Israeli Researcher Award for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, was appointed to edit the handbook of the Israel Cancer Society for Integrative Medicine and invited to serve as an editorial board member of the European Journal of Integrative Medicine and a section editor for the Journal of Clinical Medicine.


Summer Mengelkoch, PhD

Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Genetics
Experimental Psychology Ph.D., Texas Christian University

Research Interests: stress, health, immune function/inflammation, hormonal contraceptives, hormones, decision-making, gene expression, evolutionary psychology/medicine

Daniel Moriarity, PhD

Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Genetics
Clinical Psychology Ph.D., Temple University

Research Interests: Psychiatric phenotyping, physiometrics, cognitive vulnerabilities, inflammation, affective psychopathology

Helge Raeder, PhD

Visiting Professor

Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen (UiB), Norway
Senior Consultant in Pediatric Endocrinology, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway

Research Interests: Contributing to precision health research focusing on developing endocrine digital twins. Interested in the biology of diabetes and endocrine disorders, focusing on the interplay between genetics, proteomics, and stem cell biology. 

Lydia Roos, PhD

Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Genetics
Health Psychology PhD, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Research interests: Stressor appraisals and stress reactivity (cognitive, emotional, and physiological), emotion regulation and coping, stress-related biomarkers, mobile health sensing/wearables, stressful life events, social processes


Katarzyna Wac, PhD

Visiting Scholar, Genetics
Computer Scientist, University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Research interests: Professor Wac is a computer scientist leading the Quality of Life Technologies lab at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.