2023 Publishing The first spatial map of the intestine at the single cell level - Cover of Nature Journal

July 19, 2023 - Published in Nature by HuBMAP

17 Scientific Papers Published in this package.

The first coordinated set of papers to chart out a set of high-resolution, single-cell maps of human organs.

First spatial map Michael P. Snyder, PhD.

Snyder Lab works with international collaborators to "uncover how cellular interactions reveal new ways cells can communicate with each other".

from Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News:

"The research projects in Michael Snyder, PhD’s lab at Stanford cover a wide range of interests; COVID-19, the NASA twin study, and personal omics profiling to name some examples. 

Another interest of Snyder’s is spatial biology. He told GEN earlier this year that uncovering cellular interactions using spatial will be “super cool,” especially since doing so promises to reveal how cells communicate with each other. And, that researchers will be able to uncover biology that nobody has ever been able to get at before.

Now, the Snyder lab—working together with collaborators—has published the first spatial map of the intestine at the single cell level. To map the intestine (which is over 9 m long) scientists examined eight regions of the small and large intestine from nine deceased donors using CODEX (co-detection by indexing) technology which involves staining and washing the tissue repeatedly with fluorescent antibodies. In doing so, the researchers identified 20 distinct cellular neighborhoods based on the relative abundance of each cell type. Additional molecular analysis of RNA and chromosomal material from some of the samples provided an even greater level of detail within each cell type."