Former Fellows

Name Years Research Where Now (Sept 2024)
Irene Lim 2023-2024 Dual-purpose fluorescent probe for T-cell visualization and granzyme B activity Instructor, Bates College
Parivash Moradifar 2021-2024 Metamaterial Crystal for Ultrafast Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography Physical Science Research Scientist, Materials Science & Engineering, Stanford University
Angela Rivera Rodriguez 2022-2023 CD5 targeting of ionizable lipids for in vivo mRNA transfection to T cells Scientist I, Cell Line and Cell Culture Process Development, Amgen (10/23-Present)
Emily Cosco 2021-2023 Senior Scientist, Molecular Imaging, Merck, (6/2023-Present) A phage display approach to identify selective activity-based probes for imaging serine proteases in cancer 
James Wang 2019-2023 Postdoctoral Research Fellow Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine
Elise Robinson
2021-2022 Imaging Ionizable Lipid Nanoparticle Delivery Senior Research Scientist, AbbVie
Brian Lee, PhD  2019-2021  The Smart Toilet: Molecular Imaging of Human Stool in the Toilet Bowl for Early Cancer Detection  Assistant Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea 
Joanna Wang, PhD 2020-2021 Visualizing the Repolarization of Tumor Associated Macrophages using a Multimodal NIR II and Magnetic Particle Imaging Probe Formulation Scientist, Plexxikon, San Francisco, CA
Andrew Groll, PhD
2019-2021 Development and Characterization of a Large Volume Cadmium Zinc Telluride Preclinical PET System Senior Systems Physicist, RefleXion Medical
Diana Jeong, PhD 2018-2021 A New Direction to a Achieve Ultrafast Timing for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Instructor, Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine
Guolan Lu, PhD 2018-2021 Leveraging Molecular Imaging to Assess Drug Delivery in Solid Tumors Instructor, Department of Otolaryngology, Stanford University School of Medicine
David Huland, PhD 2017-2019 Design and Evaluation of a Wearable System for the Multimodal Imaging of Breast Abnormalities Consultant, Boston Consulting Group
Justin Klein, PhD 2017-2019 Development of the beta microscope for single cell radionuclide imaging Currently searching for an industry position in molecular imaging/imaging sciences
James Bishop, PhD 2019-2019 Novel Image-Guided Approach for Treating Cancer Pain using Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound and Caged Pharmaceuticals Postdoctoral Fellow (Funded by F32), Airan Lab, Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine
Tae Jin Kim, PhD 2017-2018 Microfluidic Platform for Studying Single-cell Pharmacodynamics of PET Tracers Senior Hardware Engineer, Luca Medical Systems
Jessica Klockow, PhD 2015-2018 PET/Optical Probes for Cancer Imaging Field Application Scientist, PerkinElmer, Inc.
Sayan Mullick Chowdhury, PhD 2015-2017 Ultrasound-guided therapeutic modulation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma using Comple-mentary miRNA's Scientist, Theragnostic Technologies
Joshua Cates, PhD 2013-2017 PET Detector Technologies with Combined Time-of-Flight (ToF) and Depth-of-Interaction (DoI) Capabilities Research Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Shiva Abbaszadeh, PhD 2014-2016

Advanced positron emission mammography system for imaging the next generation of breast cancer tracers

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz
Michael Mastanduno, PhD 2014-2016 Combined ultrasonic and photoacoustic molecular imaging illuminates structure and function for early detection of human ovarian cancer Data Scientist, Health Catalyst
Annalisa Pawlosky, PhD 2013-2016 Dynamics of normal and aberrant Hedgehog pathway signaling Research Biochemist, Google
Moiz Ahmad, PhD
2012-2015 X-ray Fluorescence based Molecular Imaging Assistant Professor, Department of Imaging Physics, MD Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas
Katheryne Wilson, PhD 2012-2015 Molecular Imaging of Hemoglobin and Lipid Content in Breast Cancer with Multivariate Spectroscopic Photoacoustic Imaging Contact Tracing Lead/Supervisor,
Heluna Health
Robert Michael Angelo, PhD 2012-2014 Immunohistochemical multiplexing using mass spectrometry Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Stanford University School of Medicine
Timothy Larson, PhD 2012-2014 Nanoparticle surface coatings; nanoparticle/plasma interactions Marketing Specialist, Takara Bio USA Inc.
Tianyi Krupka, PhD 2011 Design of controlled and targeted thermal sensitizer for enhancing radiofrequency ablation Unknown
Adam Cole, PhD 2011 Enhancing magnetic iron oxide nanoparticle targeting to brain tumors Patent Agent at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati
Rehan Ali, PhD 2010-2013 Applications of Microscopy Image Analysis and Modeling in Characterizing the mechanisms of hypoxia-mediated drug resistance Senior Data Scientist, IQVIA
Prachi Pandit, PhD 2010-2013 Non-cartesian MR microscopy for cancer imaging in small animals Senior Research Scientist Collaborations Manager Computed Tomography at Siemens Healthineers
Jesse Jokerst, PhD 2009-2013 Nanoparticles for biomarker measurements in vitro; nanoparticle contrast agents for clinical applications

Associate Professor, Department of NanoEngineering, University of California, San Diego

Jokerst Lab

Eric Gonzalez, PhD 2009-2012 Infrared spectroscopy and theoretical studies of group IV Unknown
Nicholas Conley, PhD 2009-2012 Elucidating the details of biological signaling pathways, developing high-affinity peptide binders to small molecules using the yeast-display platform, single-molecule fluorescence imaging and spectroscopy, organic and organometallic synthesis, and fullerene chemistry Senior Director, CMC at Locus Biosciences, Inc
Benjamin Cosgrove, PhD 2008-2011 Ex vivo rejuvenation and expansion of muscle stem cells from aged mice Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University

Cosgrove Lab
Sharon Hori, PhD 2008-2011 Mechanistic math models of receptor-mediated and biomembrane transport in health and disease Instructor, Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford, Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine
Marybeth A. Pysz, PhD 2008-2011

Molecular ultrasound imaging

Senior Principal Research Scientist at AbbVie
Henry Haeberle, PhD 2008-2010

Mechanisms of mechanotransduction in merkel cells

Life Science Application Scientista at Thorlabs
Hua Fan-Minogue, PhD 2007-2010 Evaluating MYC as a therapeutic target for triple negative breast cancer Research Scientist, Stanford University School of Medicine
Keith Hartman, PhD 2007-2009 Design and optimization of carbon nanotubes as molecular capsules for medical imaging and therapy Director, Corporate Strategy - Home Modalities at DaVita
Ted Chu, PhD 2007-2008 Anti-cancer and anti-viral aptameters Research Molecular Biologist, USDA
Richard Kimura, PhD 2006-2009 Real-time imaging of the targeted delivery of a cytotoxic agent to a tumor Research Scientist, Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early Detection
Hen-Tzu (Jill) Lin, PhD 2006-2009 Mathematical modeling of cancer initiation, progression and treatment Analytics Manager, Genentech
Jennifer Prescher, PhD 2006-2009 CIK cell trafficking in vivo: A look at the glycans Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine

Prescher Lab
Bryan Smith, PhD 2006-2009 Imaging nanoparticle behavior in small animal models Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Michigan State University