T32 Multi-Institutional Training In Genetic/Genomic Approaches To Sleep Disorders
Train in the genetic/genomic study of sleep and sleep disorders.
This unique multi-institutional program allows trainees access to sleep and genetics experts across several institutions. Join us, and be at the forefront in the genetic/genomic study of sleep and sleep disorders.
- Apply to institution of your choice—Johns Hopkins, Stanford, or University of Michigan
- Access to faculty from these sleep programs plus those of Penn
- Web-based, cross-site didactics and grant writing seminars
- Full financial support
- Explore exciting new opportunities in sleep and circadian re-search
Administered and facilitated by the Division of Sleep Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania through a training grant from the NHLBI. Successful candidates will have an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD and be interested in research training to pursue a career in the genetic/genomic study of sleep, biological rhythms, and their disorders.