Current Projects
SWIFT 3D bioprinting of bulk vascularized cardiac tissues
When hundreds of thousands of organoids are jammed together into a pellet, they behave like a mayonnaise paste, allowing us to directly 3D print organoids or into a bath of organoids to form densely cellular, heterogeneous, microarchitected, and vascularized tissues. Using this organoid printing technology, we aim to build functional cardiac tissues at therapeutic scale.
Development of microvascularized cardiac tissues
Using orthogonal co-differentiation, we aim to develop microvascularized cardiac organoids to enable multiscale vascularization of cardiac tissues: from large addressable vessels to tiny self-assembled capillaries.
Synthetic organoids via stem cell engineering
Organoid protocols aim to construct biomimetic, heterogeneous, and microarchitected tissues from stem cells. However, these protocols often require months to years of culture to form the cellular milieu of our native organs. Synthetic biology, with its ability to genomically manipulate and program cell behavior offers new avenues to enhance and accelerate organoid formation. We recently demonstrate orthogonal co-differentiation of multiple cell types to form multicellular and patterned heterogeneous organoids within days, directly from embryoid bodies. Using this approach, we aim to enhance the scale and complexity of raw material available for 3D bioprinting.
Multimaterial Multinozzle 3D Printing for rapid construction of soft matter
Existing bioprinting technology remains too slow for whole-organ manufacturing. Through innovations in 3D bioprinting hardware, we aim to accelerate and simplify the process of patterning heterogeneous and vascularized tissues.