Yiqun Hu, MD, MPH

Associate Dean of Medical Education and International Affairs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

Yiqun Hu, MD, MPH is Associate Dean of Medical Education and International Affairs of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and Vice President of Ruijin Hospital affiliated to the School of Medicine. He is in charge of medical education programs as the Associate Dean, e.g. the designated national 5-year system and 8-year system. Hu also participates in the designated National Institute for Medical Education Quality Evaluation Criteria and National Examination Standard for Registered Medical Practitioners. He also sits on the committee board for the evaluation of Shanghai Residency Programs. He was the Director of Faculty of Medical Laboratory Science during 2009-2013.

Hu is a chief physician of Internal Medicine in Rui Jin Hospital, specializing in thrombophilia and red blood cell disease with more than 100 published articles and chapters. Coagulation factor XII was studied in the effect of coagulation factor XII quantity and activity in the formation of thrombus. The effect of fibrin in the malignant and inflammatory reaction, and the effect of inflammatory reaction and fibrinolytic activity on the formation of thrombus were studied. From the DIC to start the study of white blood cells in vitro culture, study of coagulation regulation, of the role of the cells in the formation of thrombosis. In this study, the effects of cytokines on thrombus formation were analyzed. The clinical symptoms of malignant hematological diseases and clonal blood system were analyzed. The diagnosis and treatment of red blood cells was established in China. Hu has years of overseas experience and is married with a son.

He has years of overseas experience and is dedicated to many international collaborative projects.