Sino-US Symposium
Our Message
Stanford Medicine is delighted to host the 9th Sino-U.S. Symposium on Medicine in the 21st Century, and we would like to extend our deepest appreciation to our partner institutions: the Salk Institute of Biological Studies, Ruijing Hospital, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.
In the United States and China, we face similar challenges in medicine and health care. Among them are increasing the translation of medical research into practical benefits for patients, containing health care costs while expanding access, and providing new care delivery models for our aging populations and the growing incidence of chronic conditions. Each year, the Sino-U.S. Symposium brings together leading researchers, clinicians, and policy makers from China and the United States to discuss these common challenges.
This year, the theme of the symposium is big data in health care. Through panels, keynote speakers, and breakout sessions we will exchange ideas and share insights about how best to use large-scale computing and data analysis to improve human health. It is our hope that this gathering will also help us develop the partnerships and collaborations we will need to put these ideas to work.
About The Symposium
The Sino-U.S. Symposium on Medicine in the 21st Century is recognized as a premier international event in China and the United States that brings together leading medical researchers, clinicians, and policy makers to spark collaborations and share insights regarding opportunities and challenges in biomedicine today. Since 2000, the Sino-U.S. Symposium has taken place in Houston, San Francisco, Baltimore, San Diego, and Shanghai.
Thank You for Attending
Date: October 15-16, 2015
Location: Stanford, California