Students do not directly register for Continuity. Anthony, the clerkship coordinator, will register you AFTER you complete all Continuity requirements.
No. Many students take 12-18 months to complete the clerkship requirements. Students routinely put their clerkship on hold while on Sub-I's, away rotations, and/or while studying for Step exams. Please contact us if you are planning to step away at any time.
Students must notify their preceptor of absences ahead of time and as soon as possible. Students who will be away for an extended duration during the clerkship must arrange an alternate schedule with their preceptor and notify the clerkship director and coordinator. Students are allowed 1 absence from clinic. Any other missed sessions must be made up by scheduling with the preceptor for a mutually agreeable time.
We encourage you to schedule clinic sessions in the afternoon so that your leaving will cause minimal disruption. Your participation in the clerkship will not affect your grade in other clerkships. However, how you manage communication around attending Continuity Clerkship can and will influence your grade for professionalism. Please use this as an opportunity to demonstrate excellence.
If the Medscholar student completes the prerequisite, then yes he/she can participate in the clerkship. Before joining CCC, all Medscholar students will need their mentor’s approval then have their mentors email the Medical Student Research & Scholarship Office to confirm that they are aware of and are okay with the commitment so the office can approve.
If you wish to do a second or extended continuity clerkship with the same or different preceptor, you may enroll in FAMMED 398A. Please contact us for more information.
Students who are seeing patients at an outside academic institution and seeking legal coverage must complete this form. Students can obtain this form by contacting the School of Medicine Registar office (