Continuity of Care Clerkship




Kim Chiang, MD


Natalie Gonzalez


The Continuity of Care Clerkship (CCC) is designed to give third and fourth year medical students exposure to the longitudinal aspects of medicine and health care in the specialty of their choice. This clerkship is distinct from traditional clerkships, which focus on acute problems and treatment in an inpatient setting. This clerkship offers chronic care training, emphasizing skills of prevention, long-term health management, and follow-up in the context of social factors and the patient’s life history. In addition to medical knowledge, students have an opportunity to learn about the challenges and rewards of primary and specialty care including long-term relationships with patients and colleagues, economic challenges of inpatient and ambulatory medicine, and time management. Students will be better prepared to make career decisions and to be better clinicians in whatever specialty they choose.


A 9-period elective, One afternoon each week 

Prerequisite: FAMMED 301A, MED 300A/313A, OBGYN 300A, OR PEDS 300A

*These requirements will apply to our students who are graduating in 2021 and in 2022.

Traditional Track:

5 units*

  • Complete a total of 22 Clinic Sessions and use the weekly clinic check-in tracker to submit clinic dates attended
  • Attend a total of 4 Continuity Group Sessions
  • We ask your preceptor to submit mid- and final clerkship evaluations
  • Facilitate a small group discussion with peers at presentation group session about continuity experience
  • Complete closing documents including an evaluation of your preceptor and the Post-Clerkship Survey 


6 units

  • Complete a total of 30 Clinic Sessions and use the weekly clinic check-in tracker to submit clinic dates attended
  • Attend a total of 6 Continuity Group Sessions
  • We ask your preceptor to submit mid- and final clerkship evaluations
  • Facilitate a small group discussion with peers at presentation group session about continuity experience
  • Complete closing documents including an evaluation of your preceptor and the Post-Clerkship Survey 



Presentation Group Sessions

  • From 1:30p - 4:00p on the first Thursday of each ODD PERIOD
  • Student presentations (small group discussions)
  • Do not attend clinic the week of Group Sessions



Experience the natural evolution of chronic diseases over time in a variety of clinic types, including the impact of psychosocial, economic, cultural and family factors through multiple interactions with patients over time at different points in their illness or maintenance of wellness

  • Provides students the opportunity to apply their growing mastery of basic clinical skills and diagnostic and therapeutic reasoning as the foundation upon which to build deeper, more complex learning over time.


Develop long term relationships with patients and appreciate the importance of healing connections (clinic must offer continuity of care/returning patients)

  • Increased level of engagement over time fosters caring, sense of responsibility and duty
  • Understand and empathize with their patient's experience of illness over time


Form meaningful relationships with a community or faculty preceptor

  • Allows for more in-depth needs assessment/ and setting of goals that can be progressively addressed and mastered. Sustained knowledge of student’s developmental trajectory, strengths, and learning edges allows preceptors to tailor their teaching accordingly
  • Learn about effective communication within teams and across specialties and the value of connecting with community resources and other health care support networks

If you need assistance or have questions regarding the Continuity of Care Clerkship, please contact us.