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Congrats Dr. Kavitha Subramanian for her new role as Medical Director of Stanford Health Care, Tri-Valley cost savings reimbursements program!
MODEL Lead Showcase
Featuring Minjoung Go, MD
This September, we are pleased to spotlight MODEL Lead Minjoung Go, MD. In addition to her dedicated work as a MODEL Lead, she is a clinical associate professor of medicine with a clinical focus in internal medicine and hospital medicine
In September 2024, Dr. Longoria and his cardiac surgery team performed the first AtriClip Mini implantation West of the Mississippi. This life-saving procedure closes off an area of the heart known as the Left Atrial Appendage that can form blood clots and predispose certain patients to strokes. By using this innovative procedure to prevent cerebrovascular events in patients with heart conditions, Dr. Longoria and his team are expanding the boundaries of care at Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley, and reducing morbidity and mortality for all patients in our East Bay community.
Research Update
We have an exciting update regarding the research process at SHC Tri-Valley. As of this summer, the Stanford IRB has agreed to become the IRB of record for SHC Tri-Valley. This means the School of Medicine faculty can use the Stanford IRB to review studies related to SHC TV patients/data instead of going through Advarra (an external commercial IRB).
2023 Department of Medicine Teaching Awards
We're excited to reveal the winners of the 2023 Teaching Awards from the Department of Medicine!
Each year, these awards honor educators across the department's divisions for their outstanding dedication, commitment, and expertise in medical education.
Join us, either in person or online, for the Award Ceremony during Medical Grand Rounds at 8 AM on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, in Li Ka Shing Center, Room 130. Pedram Fatehi, Vice Chair of Education, will present the awards.
Valerie Sugiyama was selected by SHC-ValleyCare as the Physician of the Quarter.
This award recognizes a hospital provider who delivers quality & safe patient care, is well-respected by their colleagues & has demonstrated exceptional work throughout the organization
Tri-Valley – A Growing Nexus for Team Science Research |
Clinical care has grown dramatically at Stanford Health CareTri-Valley in the past decade, a growth that is opening up new opportunities for clinical research and team science. |
Drs. James Longoria, Rahul Sharma, and Ramford Ng performed the first Transcarotid Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement on 12/19/23 at SHC Tri-Valley in our newly opened cath lab space. The highly technical and life-saving procedure was the inaugural cardiac procedure performed in the state-of-the-art space (opened 12/18/23), with many more to come!
Clinical course and management of COVID-19 in the era of widespread population immunity
Nature reviews microbiology
Published February 2024
The clinical implications of COVID-19 have changed since SARS-CoV-2 first emerged in humans. The current high levels of population immunity, due to prior infection and/or vaccination, have been associated with a vastly decreased overall risk of severe disease. Some people, particularly those w it h i mm un ocom promising conditions, remain at risk for severe outcomes. Through the course of the pandemic, variants with somewhat different symptom profiles from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus have emerged. The management of COVID-19 has also changed since 2020, with the increasing availability of evidence-based treatments in two main classes: antivirals and immunomodulators. Selecting the appropriate treatment(s) for patients with COVID-19 requires a deep understanding of the evidence and an awareness of the limitations of applying data that have been largely based on immune-naive populations to patients today who most likely have vaccine-derived and/or infection-derived immunity. In this Review, we provide a summary of the clinical manifestations and approaches to caring for adult patients with COVID-19 in the era of vaccine availability and the dominance of the Omicron subvariants, with a focus on the management of COVID-19 in different patient groups, including immunocompromised, pregnant, vaccinated and unvaccinated patients.