Inflammation and the Host Response to Injury
Inflammation and the Host Response to Injury is a research consortium supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), a component of the National Institutes of Health. This collaborative program aims to uncover the biological reasons why patients can have dramatically different outcomes after suffering a traumatic injury.
It is the first large-scale interdisciplinary program to attempt to solve the life-threatening problem of inflammation following major trauma or burn. Inflammation and the Host Response to Injury brings together major medical and research institutions, and researchers in the fields of surgery, genomics, proteomics, biostatistics, bioinformatics, computational biology, and genetics to focus on the biology of inflammation.
The SGTC is participating in the program as the leading institution of the Genomics Core. Our responsibility is to develop the infrastructure for generating high quality expression profiles for this large scale clinical study.
This project is supported by a Glue Grant.
About the Consortium
The host response to trauma and burns is a collection of biological and pathological processes that depends critically upon the regulation of the human immune and inflammatory responses. A consortium of 45 researchers from 13 institutions in the US has been established to promote the identification of important dynamic relationships that integrate and regulate this complex biological system with the expectation that this understanding will ultimately positively impact the treatment of hospitalized patients.
Ronald G. Tompkins, M.D. from the Massachusetts General Hospital is the program coordinator. The consortium is comprised of 6 cores, each core relying on the unique expertise of the participating investigators. The six cores are Genomics (GC), Protein Analysis and Cell Biology (PACB), Animal Research (AR), Information Dissemination and Data Coordination (IDDC), Computational Analysis and Modeling (CAM), and Patient-Oriented Research (POR). The Stanford Genome Technology Center leads the Genomics core with Ron Davis, Ph.D. as director.
Ronald W. Davis (PI Genomics Core)
Michael Mindrinos &
Wenzhong Xiao
(Participating Investigators)
Sujatha Krishnakumar
Julie Wilhelmy
Related Info
Automated Tracking of Experimental Array Data for " Inflammation and the Host Response to Injury"
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
Standard Operating Procedures
- Understanding the molecular basis of the inflammatory response following trauma or burn
- Develop procedures and protocols for large-scale genomic studies in clinical environment
- Develop molecular diagnostic tools to predict the outcome of a disease process
- Propose new methodologies to combine genomic information with clinical practice
- We have set up an infrastructure to perform large-scale clinical expression profiling studies academically in accordance with the new HIPAA regulations.
- We have established quality controls for the isolation, processing and hybridization of nucleic acids using Affymetrix GeneChip™ arrays.
- We have successfully completed a pilot project with human volunteer samples.
- We have started processing samples from actual trauma patients.