10X Submission Guidelines
Single Cell Gene Expression / Single Cell Immune Profiling
Single cell suspension preparation guide
Please follow 10X's cell preparation guide to prepare your single cell suspensions for submission.
The ideal concentration for captures is anywhere from 700 to 1200 cells/uL. Lower concentrations are acceptable, but will result in a lower max cell target number.
When preparing your cell suspension please be sure to use 10X approved reagents such as PBS + 0.04% BSA, DMEM + 10% FBS, or RPMI + 10% FBS as solutions containing EDTA or Mg2+ can disrupt downstream chemistry.
Please contact us to schedule a submission date. On the day of your submission, please bring your samples on ice with the cell counts. We will help you with processing the charges on iLabs before starting the capture.
Single Cell ATAC
Please follow 10X's nuclei isolation guide to prepare your single nuclei suspensions for submission.
The ideal concentration for captures is 1000 nuclei/uL. Lower concentrations are acceptable, but will result in a lower max nuclei target number.
You will need to pickup an aliquot of the nuclei resuspension buffer from us before starting the isolation. Please contact us to schedule a pickup.
Please contact us to schedule a submission date. On the day of your submission, please bring your samples on ice with the nuclei counts. We will help you with processing the charges on iLabs before starting the capture.
TotalSeq Antibodies
TotalSeq A cell labeling guide
TotalSeq B/C cell labeling guide
We offer a limited selection of TotalSeq antibodies for CITE-seq experiments. Please contact us to inquire about the antibodies available.