- – Magn Reson Med
Spherical echo‐planar time‐resolved imaging (sEPTI) for rapid 3D quantitative T2* and susceptibility imaging
Purpose: To develop a 3D spherical EPTI (sEPTI) acquisition and a comprehensive reconstruction pipeline for rapid high-quality whole-brain submillimeter and QSM quantification.
- – Magn Reson Med
High‐resolution myelin‐water fraction and quantitative relaxation mapping using 3D ViSTa‐MR fingerprinting
Purpose: This study aims to develop a high-resolution whole-brain multi-parametric quantitative MRI approach for simultaneous mapping of myelin-water fraction (MWF), T1, T2, and proton-density (PD), all within a clinically feasible scan time.
- – Magn Reson Med
Rapid and accurate navigators for motion and B0 tracking using QUEEN: Quantitatively enhanced parameter estimation from navigators
Purpose: To develop a framework that jointly estimates rigid motion and polarizing magnetic field (B0) perturbations () for brain MRI using a single navigator of a few milliseconds in duration, and to additionally allow for navigator acquisition at arbitrary timings within any type of sequence to obtain high-temporal resolution estimates.
- – Nat Methods.
Next-generation MRI scanner designed for ultra-high-resolution human brain imaging at 7 Tesla
Abstract: To increase granularity in human neuroimaging science, we designed and built a next-generation 7 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging scanner to reach ultra-high resolution by implementing several advances in hardware. To improve spatial encoding and increase the image signal-to-noise ratio, we developed a head-only asymmetric gradient coil (200 mT m-1, 900 T m-1s-1) with an additional third layer of windings.
- – Magn Reson Med
DTI‐MR fingerprinting for rapid high‐resolution whole‐brain T1, T2, proton density, ADC, and fractional anisotropy mapping
Purpose: This study aims to develop a high-efficiency and high-resolution 3D imaging approach for simultaneous mapping of multiple key tissue parameters for routine brain imaging, including T1, T2, proton density (PD), ADC, and fractional anisotropy (FA).
- – Magn Reson Med
Time‐efficient, high‐resolution 3T whole‐brain relaxometry using 3D‐QALAS with wave‐CAIPI readouts
Purpose: Volumetric, high-resolution, quantitative mapping of brain-tissue relaxation properties is hindered by long acquisition times and SNR challenges. This study combines time-efficient wave-controlled aliasing in parallel imaging (wave-CAIPI) readouts with the 3D quantification using an interleaved Look-Locker acquisition sequence with a T2 preparation pulse (3D-QALAS), enabling full-brain quantitative T1 , T2 , and proton density (PD) maps at 1.15-mm3 isotropic voxels in 3 min.
- – NeuroImage
High-fidelity mesoscale in-vivo diffusion MRI through gSlider-BUDA and circular EPI with S-LORAKS reconstruction
Purpose: To develop a high-fidelity diffusion MRI acquisition and reconstruction framework with reduced echo-train-length for less T2* image blurring compared to typical highly accelerated echo-planar imaging (EPI) acquisitions at sub-millimeter isotropic resolution.
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