- Iyer SS, Ong F, Setsompop K. Polynomial Preconditioning For Accelerated Convergence Of Proximal Algorithms Including FISTA. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 3483.
- Gong T, Fair MJ, Setsompop K, Zhang H. Simultaneous Mapping Of Compartment-Specific T2 And T2* With Diffusion-PEPTIDE Imaging. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 1347.
- Dai E, Dong Z, Setsompop K, McNab J. A Subspace EPTI Reconstruction With Magnitude-Only Bases And Synergistic Phase Bias Updating For Distortion-Free Diffusion-Relaxometry MRI. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 3451.
- Sengupta S, Polimeni JR, Setsompop K, Grissom WA. Shuttered Echo Planar FMRI With Dynamic Motion And Phase Correction. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 0362.
- Liu Y, Liao C, Kim D, Setsompop K, Haldar JP. Estimating Multicomponent 2D Relaxation Spectra With A ViSTa-MR Fingerprinting Acquisition. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 4389.
- Wang N, Liao C, Srinivasan S, Cao X, Haldar J, Setsompop K. Circular Echo-Planar Time-Resolved Imaging (CEPTI) For Rapid Time-Resolved And Quantitative Imaging. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 0761.
- Wang F, Dong Z, Wald LL, Polimeni JR, Setsompop K. Mapping Cortical-Depth Dependent Responses In Human Motor Cortex Using Spin-Echo Echo Planar Time-Resolved Imaging (SE-EPTI). ISMRM, 2022, program number: 3332.
- Zhang Z, Ye H, Wang L, Setsompop K, Liu H, Bilgic B. BUDA-SAGE With Slider Encoding And Self-Supervised Denoising Enables Fast, Distortion-Free, High-Resolution T And T Mapping. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 3820.
- Berman A, Setsompop K, Witzel T, Grissom WA, Polimeni JR. Improved High-Resolution FMRI Image Quality With Simultaneous Multislice VFA-FLEET Using A Novel Multi-Kernel Slice-GRAPPA Algorithm. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 1106.
- Hannum A, Cork TE, Fair MJ, Setsompop K, Ennis DB. Phase Stabilization With Motion Compensated Gradient Waveforms For Brain Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI). ISMRM, 2022, program number: 1625.
- Wang F, Dong Z, Chen J, Setsompop K, Polimeni JR, Wald LL. Improving FMRI Acquisition Using Single-Shot EPTI With Distortion-Free High-SNR High-CNR Multi-Echo Imaging. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 3330.
- Zhong Z, Cao X, Liao C, Li Z, Syed A, Setsompop K, Vasanawala SS. T2-Weighted Free-Breathing 3D Abdominal Imaging Using Magnetization Prepared SPGR. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 1525.
- Iyer SS, Sandino CM, Yurt M, Cao X, Liao C, Schauman S, Setsompop K. SMILR - Subspace MachIne Learning Reconstruction. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 3466.
- Cork TE, Middione MJ, Loecher M, Liao C, Moulin K, Setsompop K, Ennis DB. Comparison Of Blip-Up And Blip-Down EPI Distortion Correction Methods For Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 1560.
- Liao C, Yarach U, Cao X, Iyer SS, Wang N, Kim TH, Bilgic B, Kerr A, Setsompop K. High-Fidelity Submillimeter-Isotropic-Resolution Diffusion MRI Through GSlider-BUDA And Circular EPI With S-LORAKS Reconstruction. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 0042.
- Cao X, Liao C, Zhong Z, Dai E, Iyer SS, Hannum AJ, Yurt M, Skare S, Setsompop K. 3D Diffusion-Prepared MRF (3DM) With Cardiac Gating For Rapid High Resolution Whole-Brain T , T , Proton Density And Diffusivity Mapping. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 0101.
- Schauman S, Iyer SS, Yurt M, Cao X, Liao C, Zhong Z, Wang G, Zaharchuk g, Vasanawala S, Setsompop K. Toward A 1-Minute High-Resolution Brain Exam - MR Fingerprinting With Fast Reconstruction And ML-Synthesized Contrasts. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 0053.
- Rathi Y, Ning L, Liao C, Ji Y, Westin CF, Zhang F, Makris N, O’Donnell LJ, Setsompop K. T2-Dependence Of Deep And Superficial White Matter Tractography. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 1256.
- Yarach U, Chatnuntawech I, Liao C, Teerapittayanon S, Iyer SS, Kim TH, Cho J, Bilgic B, Hu Y, Hargreaves B, Setsompop K. Rapid Reconstruction Of Blip Up-Down Circular EPI (BUDA-CEPI) For Distortion-Free DMRI Using An Unrolled Network With U-Net As Priors. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 4348.
- Gagoski B, Cho J, Zhang Z, Kim TH, Lo WC, Polak D, Warntjes M, Cauley S, Setsompop K, Grant EP, Bilgic B. Time-Efficient, High Resolution 3T Whole Brain Relaxometry Using 3D-QALAS With Wave-CAIPI Readouts. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 4388.
- Liao C, Cao X, Iyer SS, Zhou Z, Liu Y, Haldar J, Yurt M, Gong T, Wu Z, He H, Zhong J, Kerr A, Setsompop K. Mesoscale Myelin-Water Fraction And T /T /PD Mapping Through Optimized 3D ViSTa-MRF And Stochastic Reconstruction With Preconditioning. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 0365.
- Beckett A, Vu AT, Ahn S, Torrisi S, Polimeni JR, Yacoub E, Setsompop K, Bilgic B, Gunamony S, Potthast A, Dietz P, Chang Y, Feinberg DA. Evaluation Of Single-Shot EPI With Sub-Millimeter Resolution FMRI On The Next-Generation 7T Brain Scanner. ISMRM, 2022, program number: 0258.