Research Technology

Electronic data capture, databases, research management software, compliance, and more—we have the platforms and tools to help researchers collect and manage biomedical data. Your consulting group partner(s) will help you choose what you need.

Tools for Using Clinical Data for Research

These are tools for using data captured in Stanford Clinical Systems for research.


STARR Chart Review Tool
Developed by Research IT and provisioned by Research Informatics Center for the researcher, the STARR Chart Review tool provides an IRB compliant view of Stanford patient data.


STARR Cohort Discovery Tool
This tool is used to find out how many Stanford patients match a particular clinical phenotype, and to learn more about this set of patients.


ATLAS Cohort tool
This is a web based cohort tool from the OHDSI community and is particularly suitable for researchers who want to conduct multi-site collaborative observational studies.


Other STARR Self-service tools
STARR provides a collection of tools that are designed to meet a range of use cases such as different data modalities, SQL queries, batch processing, GUI, and network studies.

Purpose-Built Systems For Enabling Clinical Research

We build or license these technology systems to support performing research in a safe, and compliant manner.


CHOIR (Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry)
CHOIR has been used to monitor health status and outcomes for tens of thousands of patients at Stanford Health Care and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital.


Forte EDC
A research Electronic Data Capture (EDC) application which is 21 CFR Part 11 compliant, Forte EDC accommodates electronic case-report form (eCRF) capture, and will have some integration with OnCore. To access this tool, request a consultation.


Nero Computing
Designed to support Big Data team science, Nero is a secure, easy-to-use, scalable research computing environment for High Risk and PHI-compliant data.


OnCore is the clinical research management system used for study management, participant accrual tracking and reporting, and for all School of Medicine clinical research involving Stanford human subject consent.


OnCore (Non-Cancer)
OnCore is Stanford’s secure centralized system for tracking clinical research.


REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture)
REDCap is a secure, reliable, versatile, and feature-rich HIPAA compliant database for storing research study data. At the touch of a button it produces analysis-ready datasets in a variety of formats.


REDCap Cloud
An enhanced, commercial-grade version of REDCap, this is one of the world’s leading software applications for collecting and managing data for clinical studies.


A data hosting and querying platform built for researchers that connects to massively scalable, high-performance tools through your browser, and builds cohorts through a visual, intuitive interface. This is the platform that drives the PHS data portal.