SCCR Newsletters
2nd SCCR Research Conference – Thursday September 8, 2022
We are excited to have the SCCR second in-person conference and have invited the faculty, researchers and SCCR collaborators and their teams from across the School of Medicine to attend and present at the 2nd SCCR Research Conference. SCCR’s 1st research conference was in 2019 and was a great success with almost 20 posters presented.
Research staff will have an opportunity to present a scientific poster on a research study they are working on. This is a unique opportunity to showcase SCCR's Clinical Research Projects, recognize and celebrate the staff’s accomplishments and efforts, network across our organization and with our collaborators, and provide an opportunity for growth in scientific writing, data analysis, presentation skills and public speaking. All staff were strongly encourage to put together a poster individually or jointly as a team to present the study they're working on.
The morning started off with brief introductions by SCCR leadership, and a keynote speaker, Vice Chair and Director of FA from Department of Medicine, Cathy Garzio, MBA. There were 2 Poster sessions (a round-robin style of poster presentation) with about 9-10 scientic posters presented in each session.
Project Baseline: Putting People at the Heart of Health Research
This month marked the two-year anniversary of Project Baseline, Verily’s initiative to map human health. [Project Baseline] started with a longitudinal, observational Health Study in partnership with Duke University School of Medicine, Stanford Medicine, and Google.
Stanford Center for Clinical Research: The Engine That’s Powering Clinical Research
SCCR was featured in the Department of Medicine's 2019 annual report. SCCR is the “operational engine” that enables many faculty throughout Stanford to drive robust clinical research enterprises, according to Kenneth Mahaffey, MD, professor of cardiovascular medicine, vice chair of clinical research in the Department of Medicine, and director of SCCR. Since its inception in late 2014, SCCR has grown to 70 staff and partnered with more than 50 faculty and 25 fellows on 82 research projects.
Cardiva Announces FDA Approval of the VASCADE MVP Vascular Closure System for Multi-Site Vessel Closure Following Electrophysiology Procedures
SCCR, in collaboration with the Stanford Quantitative Sciences Unit (QSU), successfully completed enrollment for AMBULATE study, sponsored by Cardiva Medical in June 2018. The study was planned and executed under the leadership of Mintu Turakhia as principal investigator and Kenneth Mahaffey as operations principle investigator. VASCADE MVP, the closure system used in the AMBULATE trial, received FDA approval on November 28th!
Apple Watch Detects Irregular Heart Beat in Large U.S. study
The Apple Watch was able to detect irregular heart pulse rates that could signal the need for further monitoring for a serious heart rhythm problem, according to data from a large study funded by Apple Inc (AAPL.O), demonstrating a potential future role for wearable consumer technology in healthcare.
Concussions: Stanford Researchers Use High-Tech Mouth Guards to Study Head Trauma in Young Athletes
San Jose Mercury News article discusses the Taube Stanford Children’s Concussion Initiative, the nation’s first study of its kind, which aims to measure rotation and full motion cranial impacts in youth football athletes. The study will establish a pediatric concussion network in the Bay Area that will closely monitor high school athletes longitudinally. The data gathered will be analyzed to develop algorithms that will some day help clinicians predict an individual athlete’s risk for concussion, time of recovery, and lead to personalized approaches to prevent and treat concussion.
Project Baseline Aims to Ward Off Illness Before We Get Sick
NYT article discusses Project Baseline, an exciting study taking place at Stanford and other US sites. Project Baseline is one of the largest, most comprehensive efforts to understand the basic underpinnings of health and the transition to disease. By collecting a comprehensive set of health information both within and outside the four walls of a clinic, we aim to create a map of human health. Our goal is to create a new set of tools and data sets for medical discovery, with the aspiration that this will pave the way for rich real-world insights, and potentially one day add to the way care is delivered.
Duke / Stanford CEC Summit
An exciting new clinical events classification and safety meeting, the Duke/Stanford CEC Summit, is taking place September 26-27 in Chicago, coordinated by the Duke Clinical Research Institute and the Stanford Center for Clinical Research.
ACC-Janssen Preceptorship Programs
Over the last three years, SCCR has worked with Janssen Pharmaceuticals to provide one and two-day programs aimed at training the sales and marketing teams in the cardiovascular space. In May of 2018, SCCR proudly partnered with the American College of Cardiology (ACC) to design and implement the third preceptorship program with Janssen Pharmaceuticals. This program, titled “Cardiovascular Essentials,” was very similar in nature to the second program and focused on three therapeutic areas: peripheral arterial disease, coronary artery disease, and heart failure.
Stanford-AstraZeneca Collaboration Funds Two New Projects
The Stanford Center for Clinical Research (SCCR), led by Kenneth Mahaffey, MD (professor of cardiovascular medicine), and AstraZeneca, are pleased to announce that they have entered into the third year of their collaboration. The collaboration focuses on cardio-metabolic and respiratory diseases, oncology, mobile health (mHealth), innovations in clinical trial design and operations, big data and novel data analytics approaches and innovative education and training initiatives. Two million dollars in funding has been provided to support 6 innovative research projects by Stanford investigators over the three-year collaboration.
Project Baseline Turns 1 Year Old
Project Baseline is a multicenter, longitudinal, prospective cohort study that will collect and analyze an unprecedented breadth of data for a group of 10,000 participants. Launched in 2017 as a partnership between Stanford Medicine, Duke School of Medicine, Verily, and Google, this study aims to create a deep biomedical information repository to account for the highly complex interplay of biological, behavioral, environmental, and social systems. The study is currently recruiting at Stanford Medicine, and interested members of the community can learn more and apply here.
Optimizing Wellness Through Food and Nutrition
Christopher Gardner, PhD, is a nutrition scientist and the Rehnborg Farquhar Professor of Medicine at Stanford - for 25 years he has been studying what to choose to consume and to avoid for optimal health, and how best to motivate individuals to achieve those healthy dietary behaviors. Please enjoy his recent lecture to Stanford's Project Baseline Health Study participants.
The Opioid Epidemic: How We Got Here and How to Get Out
The SCCR Science Series is a 2-hour lecture held monthly or bi-monthly, covering various scientific and clinical topics with the specific aim to educate members of the clinical research community. Anna Lembke, MD, presents on the important topic of prescription drug misuse, the opiod epidemic, and what health care professionals need to know to help with recovering from this crisis.
Introduction to Radiology & Basics of Imaging Modalities
The SCCR Science Series is a 2-hour lecture held monthly or bi-monthly, covering various scientific and clinical topics with the specific aim to educate members of the clinical research community. Radiology Residents, Amit Chakraborty, MD, Mary Koran, MD, PhD, Andrew Wentland, MD, PhD, and Jason Ni, MD, present on the basics of radiology and various imaging modalities including how images are acquired, advantages and disadvantages of each modality, and relevant safety concerns including radiation exposure. Topics covered will include radiography/fluoroscopy, ultrasound, CT, and MRI.