SBSA Officers 2020-2021
All e-mail addresses listed below are
Executive Board
Jason Rodencal | rodencal
Candace Liu | cliu72
Edel McCrea | emmccrea
Financial Officer
Matine Azadian | matine
Communications Officer
Brenda Yu | byu24
Committee on Graduate Admissions and Policy (CGAP) Representative
Lucy Xu | lucyxu
Special Chairs
Social Chair
Becca Mancusi | rmancusi
Social Chair
Maddie Lee | mjanelee
First Year Mentorship Chair
Camilo Espinosa | camiloe
First Year Mentorship Chair
Lauren Varanese | lvaran
First Year Mentorship Chair
Rachel Ungar | raungar
Fellowship Mentoring Chair
Meagan Hamblin | mhamblin
Fellowship Mentoring Chair
Youlim Kim | youlimk
Camping Trip Coordinator
Jacob Kim | jmhkim
Camping Trip Coordinator
Julie Pourtois | jp22
Wellness Chair
Logan Leak | lleak
Orientation and Recruitment Chair
Katherine Nico | knico
Alumni Liaison/SOAR Chair
Monica Nesselbush | mnessel
Alumni Liaison/SOAR Chair
Joseph González | jccgz
Home Program Representatives
Martha Kahlson | mkahlson
Tyler Cork | tecork
Biology - Cell, Molecular and Organismal Biology
Alex Adams | aadams18
Biology - Ecology and Evolution
Suzanne Ou | osuzanne
Biomedical Informatics
Biophysics and Structural Biology
Lynnette Jackson | lynnettj
Cancer Biology
Logan Leak | lleak
Chemical and Systems Biology
Larissa Sambel | lasambel
Developmental Biology
Naz Koska | mkoska
Epidemiology and Population Health
Shalmali Bane | sbane
Daniel Cotter | dcotter1
Sedona Murphy | sedonaem
Health Research and Policy
Matt Kaufmann | mbkauf
Camilo Espinosa | camiloe
Molecular and Cellular Physiology
Suzanna Bennett | smbennett
Microbiology and Immunology
Ruth Schade | schade37
Ellen Gingrich | ecgin
Javier Weddington | javiercw
Stem Cell Biology
Julien Roth | jgroth