Current SBSA Officers
All e-mail addresses listed below are
Executive Board
Sarah Sackey | ssackey
Devonn Harris | deharris
Financial Officer
Minsung Cho | mincho
Communications Officer
Sarah Sackey | ssackey
Committee on Graduate Admissions and Policy (CGAP) Representative
Camilo Espinosa | camiloe
Special Chairs
Social Chair
Gyu Kim | gyukim
First Year Mentorship Chair
Danica Schmidtke | danicats
First Year Mentorship Chair
Alyssa Cutter | acutter
Fellowship Mentoring Chair
Lily Xu | xulily
Fellowship Mentoring Chair
Nicole Tanenbaum | ntbaum
Camping Trip Coordinator
Nicole Horsley | nhorsley
Camping Trip Coordinator
Michael Montgomery | mmontgom
Wellness Chair
Orientation and Recruitment Chair
Elysse Grossi-Soyster | elysse@
Alumni Liaison/SOAR Chair
Alan Tung | alantung
Alumni Liaison/SOAR Chair
Hudson Horn | hhorn
Home Program Representatives
Martha Kahlson | mkahlson
Ariel Hannum | ahannum
Biology - Cell, Molecular and Organismal Biology
Alex Adams | aadams18
Biology - Ecology and Evolution
Open |
Biomedical Informatics
Ben Viggiano | viggiano
Biophysics and Structural Biology
Cancer Biology
Rachel Gleyzer | rgleyzer
Cancer Biology
Lehi Acosta-Alvarez | lacosta3
Chemical and Systems Biology
Developmental Biology
Sarah Stern | srstern
Epidemiology and Population Health
Shamsi Soltani | shamsi
Jon Judd | jjudd5
Health Research and Policy
Tofunmi Omiye | tomiye
Adonis Rubio | adonisr
Molecular and Cellular Physiology
Jacob Schwartz | jschwar
Microbiology and Immunology
Alyssa Cutter | acutte
Kayla Vodehnal | vodehnal
Stem Cell Biology
Jenn Parker | jparker6