SMASH-Med High School Summer Program

Since 2018, SMASH Academy has collaborated with S-SPIRE Center to  present SMASH-Med! 

This outreach program for high school students now includes a weekly full-day interactive module focused on careers in healthcare.

Our secret wish? To inspire diverse science-minded high school students to consider a future in the medical and health fields.

THE SMASH-MED HIGH-SCHOOL SUMMER PROGRAM IS DORMANT FOR 2025. We encourage interested parties to explore the main program's website.

SMASH-Med Curriculum

The SMASH Medical Curriculum exposes students to a range of healthcare careers through a series of interactive, hands-on sessions. Led by Postdoctoral Fellows Kirbi Yelorda, Rejoice Fari Ngongoni, and Alexa Pohl, our instructors are trainees and faculty from the Stanford School of Medicine. Hands-on sessions rotate as described below.

Surgical Skills (in the Goodman Surgical Education Center):

Students will learn how to perform basic surgical tasks including how to tie two-handed knot and perform basic laparoscopic skills.

Students will have time to ask surgical residents about their career paths to surgery.

Human Anatomy (in the Clinical Anatomy labs):

Students will work with prosected cadavers to identify different anatomical features.

Students will examine the human body using virtual cadavers and make virtual cuts to see muscle, veins, bones, etc.

Clinical Simulations (in the Center for Immersive and Simulation-based Learning): Students will gain hands-on practice with medical training equipment including ultrasound machines, surgery and trauma trainers, blood pressure cuffs, and stethoscopes.

Diagnosing a Disease: 

Students will learn the basic process of forming a differential diagnosis including taking a medical history, examining blood smears under a microscope, and conducting a neurological exam.

Students will discuss how several medical professionals contribute to a single patient’s diagnosis.

CPR CourseLife Safety Associates will provide CPR training for all SMASH-Med students.

Rotating Healthcare Panel: Students will speak with several healthcare professionals about their careers.

2023 Calendar






Tuesday, July 11

Lecture- anatomy, vital signs, physical exam (Airway Breathing Circulation), ultrasound.

Healthcare panel.

Airway (Bag-Mask Ventilation). Vital signs and Ultrasound.

Tuesday, July 18

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) lecture.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) practical.


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) test.   Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) test.

*Curriculum is subject to change. 

How do we gauge success?

Based on a before/after survey, students, who had completed the SMASH-Med curriculum were significantly more likely to:

• understand the pathway to a healthcare career,

• feel empowered to pursue it, and

• empathize with patients.

Although realistic concerns were voiced about the long road to becoming a physician, students were excited about the possibility. Several students noted they were inspired to meet people of color who were healthcare professionals. All of the workshops were rated as “very good” or “excellent.”

Explore the Research: