September 25 to September 26, 2025
Stanford University, Palo Alto, California

NVivo Software

NVivo is a software that supports qualitative and mixed methods research, it is designed to help you organize, analyze and find insights in unstructured or qualitative data like interviews, open-ended survey responses, articles, social media and web content.

Dr. Stuart Robertson  

Dr. Stuart Robertson is a Platinum Level Certified NVivo Trainer and an experienced educator who began working with NVivo during his doctoral course work. Ultimately, he used NVivo to complete both the literature review and the data analysis for his dissertation research. For over 20 years he was a classroom teacher. Over the past nineteen years, working both for QSR International and as a private consultant, he has provided training and project consultation services worldwide for both individuals and organization in the academic, government, not-for-profit, and commercial sectors. Dr. Robertson has also served as a member of multiple research teams.

2023 Workshop Agenda

NVivo Instructional Webinar

Stanford offers NVivo through our campus licensing program at no cost to Stanford employees. For more information see link.

NVivo 14 - Better Together

Questions? Contact Ana Mezynski <mezynski@stanford.edu>