The S-SPIRE Center sponsors professional development and educational programs among pre- and post-doctoral students, surgical residents, and junior faculty. Our broad education goal is to prepare students, residents, and junior faculty to conduct high impact health services and outcomes research, and to become part of the larger HSR community. For example, the Professional Development Resident Bootcamp is a summer lunch seminar designed to optimize research productivity and to establish foundations for an academic career. We also hold an annual grant writing workshop, a qualitative software training workshop, and Mixed Methods Research workshop.
Interactive Workshops
Designing Your Mixed Methods Research Project: An Interactive Workshop
This annual 3-day intensive workshop was created for individuals who wish to design or analyze a mixed methods research project using qualitative and quantitative methods. Upon completion of the workshop, participants will have a personalized design and implementation plan for their projects.
Department of Surgery Grant Writing Workshop
This workshop is designed to assist with grant writing and is strongly recommended for all Faculty and mandatory for Professional Development Residents. We encourage participants to bring a manuscript or abstract to work on in real time.
PD Bootcamp for Residents
Professional Development time at Stanford is viewed as an opportunity for residents to acquire the skills needed to develop a body of work, typically in a research niche, to distinguish the resident and establish a career track towards academic leadership in the profession.