Practicum for PGSP - Stanford PsyD Consortium Students
Our program is looking to partner with PGSP-Stanford PsyD Consortium students for an 8-10 hour practicum or 2-4 hour supplemental practicum focused on psychological/psychiatric assessments. The goal of this opportunity is to provide hands-on experience with adult patients diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and hoarding disorder and concurrent exposure to a clinical research setting.
Training/ Didactics
Students will receive training on administering Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Research Version (SCID-5RV) and Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP) for patients diagnosed with OCD. In addition, they will be trained to administer exposure exercises specific to adults diagnosed with Hoarding Disorder. Weekly didactics will include weekly lab meeting with the research team and weekly supervision by licensed mental health professional.
Students can pursue a dissertation topic (see examples below) that leverages existing data sets or develop one of their own.
One-year commitment of 8-10 hours or 2-4 hours per week
Completion of HIPAA and CITI Training and other paperwork required to ensure proper protection of human subjects’ information
Completion of SCID-5RV training
Completion of ERP training
Completion of hoarding disorder behavioral practice training
Completion of clinical research documentation according to Good Clinical Practices (GCP)
Supervision 30min-1hr every week with licensed mental health care professional
Application Information
Please send the following information by email to Becky Fullmer,, with the following subject line: “Rodriguez Lab Clinical Research Practicum Opportunity”
· Cover letter describing your interest
· Current CV
Completed Dissertations
Improv + ERP (IMPROVE): A Group Therapy Intervention for OCD, Elisabeth Andreeff
Exploring the Relationship Between Hoarding Disorder and Prolonged Grief Disorder, Natalie Freeman
Emotion and Cognition in OCD: An Examination of Anhedonia and Intolerance of Uncertainty, Alexis Moore
Exploring Sleep in OCD and Related Disorders, Amanda Mahnke
The Relationship Among Normative Male Alexithymia, Athletic Identity, and Psychological Wellbeing in Active and Retired Professional Hockey Players, Pete Aston
Publications Resulting from Dissertations
Moore, A., Wheaton, M.G., Shen, H., Rodriguez, C.I. and Raila, H. Compulsively Seeking Certainty: Clarifying the Association Between Intolerance of Uncertainty and Compulsion Severity in OCD. Journal of Emotion and Psychopathology. 2023, Vol 1, Issue 1, 228-238. [PDF]
Mahnke AR, Linkovski O, Timpano K, van Roessel P, Sanchez C, Varias AD, Mukunda P, Filippou-Frye M, Lombardi A, Raila H, Anderson K, Sandhu T, Wright B, McCarthy EA, Garcia GE, Asgari S, Qiu T, Bernert R, Rodriguez CI. Examining subjective sleep quality in adults with hoarding disorder. J Psychiatr Res. 2021 May;137:597-602. [PDF]
Aston, P., Brewer, MA, Kisechnick, D, Allen, M., van Roessel, P, Lavallee, DE, Rodriguez, CI. Identity gripping or identity flight? Two distinct experiences correlated with self-reported depression in retired professional ice hockey players. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. [ResearchGate]
Aston, P, Fillippou-Frye, M, Blasey, C, van Roessel, PJ., Rodriguez, CI. Self-Reported Depressive Symptoms in Active and Retired Professional Hockey Players. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 2020; Vol 52, No 2, 97-106. [PDF]