National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Other Support

Other Support includes all resources whether paid or unpaid (foreign and domestic) made available to a researcher in support of and/or related to all of their research endeavors, regardless of whether or not they have monetary value and regardless of whether they are based at the institution the researcher identifies for the current grant.

All investigators designated as “Senior/Key Personnel” must submit Other Support during the Just-in-Time process and with the annual progress reports (RPPR).

Note: Other Significant Contributors who do not propose measurable effort to the project do not need to submit Other Support.

For Electronic Signatures guidance/process for NIH Other Support:

See resources below (SUNet Login Required through Google Drive). For more information, please scroll down to the section of this webpage under #5 "Investigator's Electronic Signature":

  1. Webinar Recording (Meeting held on January 26, 2022)
  2. Adobe Sign NIH Other Support Signature Process and Guide Document (Last updated 2/15/2022) - Added document retention section, added PDF flattening guidance, and updated language for better clarity (process remains the same).
  3. Alternate Method via Adobe Pro/Adobe Acrobat Reader (free version) (Last updated 2/15/2022) - Added document retention section, added PDF flattening guidance, and updated language for better clarity (process remains the same).
  4. Stanford FAQ's (includes new section for Electronic Signatures)

IMPORTANT: If you are having issues with Adobe Sign and need to sign an Other Support urgently, you can use the alternative method under Number 3 above.

The NIH Other Support: Call-to-Action Town Hall Webinar was held on December 15, 2021. Please see the recording and slide deck below (SUNet Login Required).

  1. Webinar Recording
  2. Call-to-Action Town Hall Webinar Slide Deck


This page was updated March 8, 2022.

Preparing Other Support

It is the investigator's responsibility to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the Other Support document. We recommend that investigators work closely and collaboratively with their research administrators and financial managers to ensure the information is complete and accurate with respect to the traditional disclosure of active and pending support and projects. Some information, particularly pertaining to In-Kind resources and any additional support received as part of external appointments and affiliations would only be known by the Investigator.

IMPORTANT: Investigators are responsible for the complete disclosure of funding and resources and for the certification as required by NIH. Investigators must not ask their research administrators to certify on their behalf. Please see MEMO (dated 1-25-2022) from Associate Vice President of Research Administration reminder community of disclosure and certification responsibilities.

The following section below is meant to serve as a high-level checklist when preparing and updating Other Support documents. Consider the following items and steps when preparing and updating the Other Support document.

Effective January 25, 2022: Revised Other Support must be immediately submitted to NIH within 30 days if it is discovered there was an error or omission resulting in undisclosed Other Support information.

Note: For Other Support submitted as part of the application (e.g., Mentors for Career Development Award applications), make sure to follow the instructions and the program announcement as there may be supplemental or additional instructions.

Additional Consideration: Foreign Components

When considering resources and contributions provided from and by foreign collaborators and entities, an additional, but separate consideration are required to determine if it involves a foreign component. In-Kind resources and contributions, if they meet the criteria for disclosure should be listed and disclosed as in-kind contributions. If they are also foreign components, they would need to have prior approval from the NIH.

Please visit the following page for more information: Stanford SOM Guidance for Disclosure of Foreign Components and Other Foreign Interactions.

Note: Subawards to foreign entities are an example of a foreign component that is not an in-kind resource or contribution.

Need further assistance? Have questions and/or feedback?
 Please submit questions and/or feedback by clicking HERE, and a member of the ORA-RMG Disclosures Team will respond to you shortly.