Subaward Closeout

A Subaward is closed out when the period of performance in the Subaward agreement comes to an end, regardless of whether Stanford's research project is ending or continuing.   .

The Principal Investigator/department collects and reviews the Subrecipient’s final reports, data, and research results, and incorporates them into our final technical and financial reports.




  • Obtains final technical reports from their Subrecipients and retains a copy in their project file.  PIs are encouraged to remind Subrecipients of this requirement well in advance of the due date for such reports.
  • Obtains other final reports, including property reports, patent reports, small disadvantaged business reports, and Assignment and Release documents as required.
  • Assists OSR in obtaining final closeout information, including invoices from their Subrecipients.
  • RMG has no role in the collection of the Closeout documents for Subawards.  Please refer to the Closeout section (insert link) for additional guidance.
  • Sends final payment after PI reviews and approves the Subrecipient’s final invoice.


Note:  Requirements on the Notice of Award always supersede the How-To/Resources above.