Receipt, Intake, and Review
Award Acceptance
When the Principal Investigator (PI) receives an award letter or agreement documentation from a sponsor, the PI forwards it immediately to the Research Management Group (RMG). If the Research Process Manager (RPM) determines that another central office should handle the award, RMG forwards to the central office for negotiation as appropriate. The negotiating office contacts the PI to discuss terms and conditions as necessary.
PI / Department |
Important: Files and obtains all required/applicable compliance approvals on a timely basis prior to award release and activation. A delay in these approvals delays the release of the award.
Communicates with PI/Department if compliance approvals are needed and will put the award on hold until they are in place
The RPM forwards the award letter or agreement to the RPM Associate. The RPM Associate initiates the award in SeRA and requests a revised budget from the RPM if needed.
Review (Compliance)
The RPM forwards the award letter or agreement to the RPM Associate. The RPM Associate initiates the award in SeRA and requests a revised budget from the RPM if needed.
Before issuing each award, the RPM Associate reviews the approval status of the following compliance items, if applicable.
- Animal Subjects (APLAC/IACUC)
- Human Subjects (IRB)
- NCT # (if Stanford PI will be responsible for registering NIH Clinical Trials into
- Cancer-related studies – Scientific Review Center (SRC) review
- Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO)
Conflict of Interest
- Conflict of Interest Training
- GCP Training
- Human Subjects Training
- Principal Investigator (PI) Training (1st time PIs Only)