NIH Programs and Resources

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NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts

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Extramural Nexus

Research Opportunity Announcements (OTAs)

NIH All of Us Engagement, Communications, and Enrollment Partnerships (OTA-22-006)
See white paper deadlines and ROA details by selecting the link above.

NIH K Award Resources

NIH Career Development (K) Awards should be prcessed as a Grant by your institutional official  (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR).  Please submit a Proposal Intake Form (PIF) to begin the application process.

NIH F Award Resources

Please review Stanford Fellowship (F Award) Resources

NIH Fellowship (F) Awards should be prcessed as a Fellowship by your institutional official  (Fellowship Office/RMG or CGO/OSR).  Please review and follow the Fellowship Proposal Checklist to begin the application process.

NIH Programs that Require Internal Vetting

NIH Programs that Require Unique Submission Processes

Please contact for more information regarding the submission processes.

NIH Loan Repayment Program 

Lasker Clinical Research Scholars Program (Si2/R00 Clinical Trial Optional)(TBA)