DoD Ovarian Cancer Research Program
Investigator-Initiated Research Award
Amount of funding: Direct Costs budgeted for the entire period of performance will not exceed $600,000 for applications with a single PI or $800,000 if applying under the Partnering PI Option
Purpose: The OCRP Investigator-Initiated Research Award is intended to support high-impact research that addresses a critical need and has the potential to make an important contribution to ovarian cancer or patient/survivor care. Research projects may focus on any phase of research, from basic laboratory research through translational research, excluding clinical trials. The application must demonstrate logical reasoning and a sound scientific rationale established through a critical review and analysis of the literature for the application to be competitive. Applications must include preliminary data that are relevant to ovarian cancer and support the proposed research project.
Eligibility: Independent investigators - Faculty with PI eligibility and CE faculty (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver obtained through their RPM in RMG prior to the pre-application/letter of intent) may be the PI.
Not eligible: Instructors, Clinical Instructors, Academic staff-research (i.e., research associates), and postdocs are not eligible for this RFP because Stanford does not consider them to hold independent positions.
REQUIRED Pre-Application (Pre-Proposal) Deadline: April 17, 2023 via eBrap
Please include your RPM’s name as business official in the pre-application.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR) Deadline: July 14, 2023
Application Submission Deadline: July 21, 2023 via
Ovarian Cancer Academy Award - Early-Career Investigator
Amount of funding: Direct costs budgeted for the entire period of performance will not exceed $725,000.
Purpose: Initially created in FY09, the OCRP Ovarian Cancer Academy Award mechanism is a unique, interactive virtual academy providing intensive mentoring, national networking, collaborations, and a peer group for junior faculty. The overarching goal of the Ovarian Cancer Academy (OCA) is to develop successful, highly productive ovarian cancer researchers in a collaborative research and career development environment.
PI Eligibility - Early Career Investigator: Stanford Assistant Professors with PI eligibility and CE Assistant Professors (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver obtained through their RPM at least one week prior to the pre-application submission). Applicants must be within 5 years of their last postdoctoral research position (Ph.D.) or clinical fellowship (M.D.) as of the full application deadline. May be a research- or physician-scientist. See guidelines for additional eligibility requirements.
Mentor eligibility: Stanford faculty-must be an independent, established ovarian cancer researcher. Must have ovarian cancer research funding (past and present). Must have a record of ovarian cancer publications in peer reviewed journals. See guidelines for additional eligibility requirements.
Not eligible: Instructors, Clinical Instructors, Academic staff-research (i.e., research associates), and postdocs are not eligible for this RFP because Stanford does not consider them to hold independent positions.
REQUIRED Pre-Application (Pre-Proposal) Deadline: April 17, 2023 via eBrap
Please include your RPM’s name as business official in the pre-application.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR) Deadline: July 14, 2023
Application Submission Deadline: July 21, 2023 via
Pilot Award
Amount of funding: Direct Costs budgeted for the entire period of performance will not exceed $300,000.
Purpose: The OCRP Pilot Award supports the exploration of innovative concepts or theories in ovarian cancer that could ultimately lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will drive the field forward. The proposed research must demonstrate a clear focus on ovarian cancer (e.g., using tissues, cell lines, datasets, or appropriate animal models), and serve as a catalyst to expand or modify current thinking about and/or approaches in ovarian cancer. If cell lines or animals are to be used, a clear justification should be provided for the choice of proposed cell line(s) or animal model(s).
Eligibility: Faculty with PI eligibility and CE faculty (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver obtained through their RPM in RMG prior to the pre-application/letter of intent) may be the PI. This is NOT a Career Development Award as it does NOT require a mentor so therefore a Career Development PI Waiver is not be applicable. Postdocs are not eligible per Stanford policy.
Not eligible: Instructors, Clinical Instructors, Postdoctoral Fellows, Clinical Fellows, Academic staff-researchers (i.e., research associates) are not eligible because Stanford does not consider them to hold independent or faculty-level positions
REQUIRED Pre-Application (Pre-Proposal) Deadline: April 17, 2023 via eBrap
Please include your RPM’s name as business official in the pre-application.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR) Deadline: July 14, 2023
Application Submission Deadline: July 21, 2023 via
Clinical Trial Award
Amount of funding: Direct Costs budgeted for the entire period of performance will not exceed $2M.
Purpose: The OCRP Clinical Trial Award supports the rapid implementation of clinical trials with the potential to have a significant impact on the treatment or management of ovarian cancer. Clinical trials may be designed to evaluate promising new products, pharmacologic agents (drugs or biologics), devices, clinical guidance, and/or emerging approaches and technologies. Proposed projects may range from small proof-of-concept trials (e.g., pilot, first in human, phase 0) to demonstrate the feasibility or inform the design of more advanced trials through large-scale trials to determine efficacy in relevant patient populations.
Eligibility: Independent investigators - Faculty with PI eligibility and CE faculty (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver obtained through their RPM in RMG prior to the pre-application/letter of intent) may be the PI.
Not eligible: Instructors, Clinical Instructors, Academic staff-research (i.e., research associates), and postdocs are not eligible for this RFP because Stanford does not consider them to hold independent positions.
Pre-Application (Letter of Intent) Deadline: May 26, 2023 via eBrap
Please include your RPM’s name as business official in the pre-application.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR) Deadline: July 14, 2023
Application Submission Deadline: July 21, 2023 via
Clinical Translational Research Award
Amount of funding: Direct Costs budgeted for the entire period of performance will not exceed $2M.
Purpose: The Clinical Translational Research Award intends to support correlative studies that are associated with a clinical trial (past, ongoing, or future), in order to correlate various factors (genetic, biochemical, environmental and others) with initiation, progression, metastasis, recurrence, prognosis, diagnosis or effect of intervention on ovarian cancer outcomes. The translational research should address high-impact or unmet needs in ovarian cancer. Although not all-inclusive, research proposed under this mechanism may entail initiation of a deeper molecular analysis of clinical samples, biomarker validation, or continuing clinical follow-up of patients currently/previously enrolled in an open/ongoing or completed clinical trial. The proposed research may be hypothesis testing or may be designed to generate clinically annotated and molecularly characterized experimental platforms (e.g., tissue arrays, patient-derived models). The award may not be used to directly support a clinical trial.
Eligibility: Independent investigators - Faculty with PI eligibility and CE faculty (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver obtained through their RPM in RMG prior to the pre-application/letter of intent) may be the PI.
Not eligible: Instructors, Clinical Instructors, Academic staff-research (i.e., research associates), and postdocs are not eligible for this RFP because Stanford does not consider them to hold independent positions.
Pre-Application (Letter of Intent) Deadline: May 26, 2023 via eBrap
Please include your RPM’s name as business official in the pre-application.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR) Deadline: July 14, 2023
Application Submission Deadline: July 21, 2023 via
Additional Information
Please include your institutional official's name (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR) as business official in the pre-application/LOI.
eBRAP Funding Opportunities and Forms (including the General Application Instructions).