DoD Lupus Research Program
Idea Award
Amount of funding: Total costs budgeted for the entire period of performance will not exceed $300,000.
Purpose: The LRP Idea Award supports innovative, high-risk/high-reward research that could ultimately lead to a critical discovery or major advancement relevant to lupus. This award mechanism supports studies that have the potential to reveal entirely new avenues for investigation. The application must describe how the new idea will enhance the existing knowledge of lupus or develop a hypothesis(es) or an innovative and novel course of investigation. The Idea Award is not intended to support an incremental progression of an already established research project. Research completed through an Idea Award may generate sufficient preliminary data to enable the Principal Investigator (PI) to prepare an application for future research. Inclusion of preliminary data is not required.
Eligibility: All investigators at or above the level of postdoctoral fellow (or equivalent) are eligible to be PI. A Mentorship Statement is required for applications submitted with a PI who is a postdoctoral fellow. A CE Faculty PI waiver or Career Development PI waiver will be required for non-independent faculty positions.
Pre-Application (Letter of Intent) Submission Deadline: July 20, 2023 via eBrap
Please include your RPM’s name as business official in the pre-application.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR) Deadline: August 3, 2023
Application submission Deadline: August 10, 2023 via
Impact Award
Amount of funding: Total costs budgeted for the entire period of performance will not exceed $1,000,000.
Purpose: The LRP Impact Award encourages applications that support the full spectrum of research projects or ideas that specifically focus on scientific and clinical lupus issues, which, if successfully addressed, have the potential to make a major impact in lupus research and/or lupus disease. Applications should include a well-formulated, testable hypothesis based on strong scientific rationale that is established through inferential reasoning and/or critical review and analysis of the literature. Inclusion of preliminary data is encouraged.
Eligibility: Independent investigators - Faculty with PI eligibility and CE faculty (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver obtained through their RPM in RMG prior to the pre-application/letter of intent) may be the PI.
Pre-Application (Letter of Intent) Submission Deadline: July 20, 2023 via eBrap
Please include your RPM’s name as business official in the pre-application.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR) Deadline: August 3, 2023
Application submission Deadline: August 10, 2023 via
Transformative Vision Award
Amount of funding: Total costs budgeted for the entire period of performance will not exceed $2.5M.
Purpose: The TVA supports applications that will fulfill an extraordinary vision for dramatically improving the quality of life of persons with lupus using an intervention at the individual and/or health care system level. This award requires a plan that will test and achieve the vision through the translation of research ideas which, when addressed, will result in a near-term impact on the quality of life of persons living with lupus. Applications may address various quality-of-life issues in lupus patients of any age, including but not limited to those with disproportionate health burdens. Preliminary data are required. Human subject research and clinical trials are allowed under this program announcement.
Eligibility: Independent investigators - Faculty with PI eligibility and CE faculty (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver obtained through their RPM in RMG prior to the pre-application/letter of intent) may be the Initiating or Partnering PI.
Pre-Application (Letter of Intent) Submission Deadline: July 20, 2023 via eBrap
Please include your RPM’s name as business official in the pre-application.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR) Deadline: August 3, 2023
Application submission Deadline: August 10, 2023 via
Additional Information
Please include your institutional official's name (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR) as business official in the pre-application/LOI.
eBRAP Funding Opportunities and Forms (including the General Application Instructions).