
Fellowships are awards of financial support to individual named students or postdoctoral scholars as subsistence to support research training. Awards are made to Stanford University on behalf of individual named student or postdoctoral scholar. Postdoctoral Fellowships are not normally defined as sponsored projects. 

What support does the Research Management Group provide for fellowships?

The Fellowship team will provide guidance to Postdocs and Predocs with development of fellowship proposals; review, countersign, and submit proposals as the Institutional Official.

University policy establishes an internal deadline for proposal submissions. See the Research Policy Handbook 14.1

The Fellowship Manager will negotiate and accept fellowship awards as the Institutional Official. The Fellowship team provides expertise in federal regulations, University policy, and sponsor requirements to guide Postdoc/Predoc and Department Administration on management of the fellowship award.

Policy and Resources

Gift vs. Sponsored Projects and Distinctions from Other Forms of Funding (Includes Checklist for Determining Whether Funding is a Postdoctoral Fellowship or a Sponsored Project)
For NIH Individual Fellowship (F) Award information, please visit NIH Fellowship Resources.

Quick Links

RMG Fellowship Help Desk

Start a Fellowship Proposal