Payment Schedule

A Payment Schedule is a sponsor’s proposed payment plan for site participation in a clinical trial (CT).  As part of the sponsor start up package, the sponsor provides a Payment Schedule to each site and/or the research team as an exhibit attached to the Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA) or a detailed section within the draft CTA.

Clinical Trial Research Management Group (CT RMG) requires the Payment Schedule as one of the Minimum Documents for study set-up. For investigator-initiated, industry sponsored CTs, a Payment Schedule may not be available from the sponsor at the time of Study Set-up and is not required.

It is important for the study team and their financial manager to understand and agree on:

  • the amount of funding provided by the sponsor,
  • the payment structure, and
  • any associated payment terms.

Most CTA's include a payment schedule based on negotiated fixed per unit fees not on cost reimbursement.

Study teams use the final version of the Payment Schedule to set up the study budget in the Clinical Research Invoicing System for Participants (CRISP).