Rivas Lab research featured in major magazine and news outlets

Mining for gems in data

Loss-of-Function, Truncating Variants in UK Biobank Data Point to New Drug Targets

For the other study, a team led by Stanford University biomedical data science researcher Manuel Rivas focused on 18,225 protein-truncating variants in relation to 135 phenotypes in 337,205 of the UK Biobank participants.


Detailed highlights from Rivas Lab 




  • February 27-March 2, 2018. Lab members Johanne Justesen and Chris DeBoever participate and present at the 2018 Computational Genomics Winter Institute. 





  • November 29, 2017. Manuel presents at Frontiers in Genomics  at the University of New Mexico. 


  • November 3, 2017. Manuel to present at the General Session on "Genomic Medicine in the 21st Century" in the Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica (INMEGEN) in Mexico City, Mexico. Video

  • October 23, 2017. Manuel presents at the HITLAB Symposium on "Genomics and Type 2 Diabetes(major credit to David Altshuler and Mark McCarthy who have been the champions of moving the field of Genomics and Diabetes - happy to have shared it with the crowd). Video link
  • October 18, 2017. Manuel presents at the UK Biobank session at American Society of Human Genetics: "Changing the landscape of Biomedical Data Science Research and Education with UK Biobank".



  • September 25, 2017. Rivas lab welcomes Julia OlivieriGuhan Venkataraman, and Clare Chen to the lab as rotation students for the Fall quarter. Julia's research will focus on connecting HLA allelotypes to human diseases, biomarkers, and lifestyle measures. Guhan's research will focus on approaches to integrate new technologies with genomic data, and Clare's research will focus on integrating genomic, imaging, and disease outcomes data.


  • August 18, 2017. Manuel to present at the General Session at INMEGEN, Mexico City, Mexico on "Large-scale inference in population cohorts: risk modeling, therapeutic hypotheses, and new technologies". (Postponed)
  • July 19, 2017. Manuel to present at the Big Data Institute, University of Oxford on "Exploiting advances in genomics, voice recognition, and health records across populations".


  • June 29, 2017. Manuel to present at Novo Nordisk Foundation meeting. 


  • June 22, 2017. Public release of the pre-alpha development version of the Global Biobank Engine. Many more features to be announced soon!


  • June 21, 2017. Yosuke Tanigawa, has joined, as the first PhD candidate of the lab. Welcome! 


  • June 20, 2017. Olive Bear Don't Walk IV, first Master's student of the lab to graduate. Lab is excited to share his amazing research on Deep Learning models to tag voice, text, and scanned documents with ICD codes. "Let a thousand flowers bloom". It was a pleasure having Oliver in the lab.


  • June 1, 2017. Manuel presents "Large-scale inference in population cohorts" at 23andMe's Genome Research Day. 
  • May 23-24, 2017. Manuel participates in the Big Data in Biomedicine: transforming lives through Precision Health conference at Stanford University. 


  • May 23, 2017. Congratulations to Johanne Marie Justesen, who won a prestigious Visiting Scholar Fellowships @ Stanford Bio-X - funded by Denmark's Novo Nordisk Foundation, will be joining the lab. The title of the research topic in the lab is: "Harnessing the power of time and genetics: Combining data from biobanks, medical records and molecular technologies to decipher cardio-metabolic disease origin and onset". 



  • March 6-10, 2017: Manuel presents "Exploiting advances in genomics, voice, and health records across populations" at the "Think Different" seminar series organized by the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Finland (FIMM).


  • February 9, 2017: Manuel presents "Models, Tools, and Resources for genomic studies of human health and diseases across biobanks and case-control studies" at Stanford University's BMIR research colloquium.
  • January 25, 2017: Greg McInnes joins the lab as a rotation student. Greg will focus on extending browser capabilities from population biobank browser, and developing new methods for modeling disease risk.


  • January 25, 2017: Manuel presents "Generating effective therapeutic hypotheses from human genetic data and population biobanks" at the Genetics Research Consortium Face-to-Face meeting at Biogen in Cambridge, MA. 


  • December 16, 2016: Manuel presents "Medicina genómica en el siglo XXI" at UNAN-Managua in Managua, Nicaragua.
  • November 15, 2016: Latest preprint from the lab in collaboration with Matti Pirinen on "biMM: Efficient estimation of genetic variances and covariances for cohorts with high-dimensional phenotype measurements" posted on bioRxiv.
  • November 5-6, 2016: Oliver, Yosuke, and Adam participate in health++ hackathon where they developed UDDeR, a software for understanding the prevalence of disease in different regions of the world is important for physicians and researchers to understand disease drivers.
  • November 4, 2016: Chris DeBoever joins the lab as a post-doc and will be co-advised with Prof. Carlos Bustamante. 


  • September 25, 2016: Manuel presents his latest research on the genetic epidemiology of Crohn's and rare diseases in the Ashkenazi Jewish population at the Genomics of Common Diseases Meeting
  • September 25, 2016: Manuel posts his latest preprint on exome sequencing of inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis) in the Ashkenazi Jewish population on bioRxiv. Results are publicly available in an exome resource browser
  • September 2016: Yosuke Tanigawa, Adam Lavertu, Mamie Wang, Oliver Bear Don't Walk IV, and Tony Lindsey joined the lab as rotation students. Yosuke will be working on genomic compression from long read sequencing data. Adam will be working on finite Bayesian mixture models to understand the functional consequences of genetic variation. Mamie Wang will be researching quantification of robustness and sensitivity analysis for genome inference models. Oliver will be working on digitizing health records in underserved communities. Tony will be working on integrating genomic, imaging, and clinical outcomes data. 
  • August 2016: Our study identifying a protein truncating variant in RNF186 that confers protection against ulcerative colitis is published in Nature CommunicationsArticle and Press release
  • September 1, 2016: Lab opens at Stanford!