2025 Radiology Improvement Summit

Hosted by:

The Stanford Department of Radiology

Thursday February 27th - Friday February 28th, 2025

In-Person - Limited Virtual Option


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the 9th annual Radiology Improvement Summit will be held at Stanford University on February 27-28, 2025. The meeting will be held live and in-person; we encourage everyone to join us in sunny California, though a limited virtual option will again be available for those will be unable to attend in person.


This year’s theme is “Maintaining the Soul of Medicine Through the Coming Transformation.” All of medicine is under tremendous pressure, including radiology, with increased demand and limited capacity, just at the time when huge advances in automation technology are hitting our field. Ours is not the first field to face such conditions; there are important lessons to be learned from other industries. Namely, perhaps the biggest risk is not that our professionals will be replaced by robots, but that our professionals will be turned into robots—that the soul of our profession will be lost in this transformation. Radiology is built on sacred ideals of service, sacrifice, and care. Its edifice is built on selfless collaboration, endless pursuit of knowledge, and continuous advancement and improvement. At this meeting, we will focus on how the methods and principles of improvement can help preserve the heart of medicine through the tumultuous years to come.


The program will be a 2-day event on Thursday (8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Pacific Time) and Friday (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time).  We will be working out the program details in the next few weeks, but in the meantime, please mark your calendars. The program contact is Jaime Tran at jjtran@stanford.edu. Please also feel free to visit our website at http://med.stanford.edu/radisummit.html, which will be updated as more information becomes available. You can find the registration information in this LINK.

Thank you all for your continued efforts to improve, to share, and to learn. We hope to see you all on February 27!

Warm regards,

David B. Larson, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology
Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive, Stanford CA 94305-5105