Kim Butts Pauly to Chair the Godon Conference on In Vivo Magnetic Resonance

Kim Butts Pauly, PhD, will chair the Gordon Conference on In Vivo Magnetic Resonance in Andover, NH, on July 14-19. The theme of the meeting is “MRI for a Changing World” and sessions include MRI in the Global South, MR Sustainability, MRI in Brain Stimulation, Big Questions in Imaging and AI, Non-Proton MRI, New Insights into Functional MRI, MRI in the Pandemic, MRI in Aging and Neurofluids, Synergistic Technologies. 

Gordon Conferences focus on frontier research in biological, chemical, physical or engineering sciences, and provide an outstanding environment for trainees to interact with world-leading experts in their fields. Chairing a Gordon Conference is a tremendous honor and show of respect for her research achievements, as this is by election of the attendees (2018 conference). Dr. Butts Pauly's research includes pioneering diagnostic and interventional MRI techniques, development of MRI guided focused ultrasound. Most recently she leads a broad research program in novel applications of ultrasound for neuromodulation, blood-brain barrier opening or ablation.

For more information, please visit the link here