

Sagi V, Kosaraju N, Moore LS, Mulders JY, Solvali M, Ma X, Regula DP, Hooper JE, Stanokovic KM. Mortui vivos docent: a modern revival of temporal bone plug harvests. Front Neurosci 2023 Oct;17:

Zhao M, Toma K, Kinde B, Li L, Patel AK, Wu KY, Lum MR, Tan C, Hooper JE, Kriegstein AR, La Torre A, Liao YJ, Welsbie DS, Hu Y, Han Y, Duan X. Osteopontin drives retinal ganglion cell resiliency in glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Cell Reports 2023 Sept;42:

Geukens T*, Maetens M*, Hooper JE*, Oesterreich S, Lee AV, Miller L, Atkinson JM, Rosenzweig M, Puhalla S, Thorne H, Devereux L, Bowtell D, Loi S, Bacon ER, Ihle K, Song M, Rodriguez-Rodriguez L, Welm AL, Gauchay L, Murah R, Chanda P, Karacay A, Naceur-Lombardelli C, Bridger H, Swanton C, Jamal-Hanjani M, Kollath L, True L, Morrissey C, Chambers M, Chinnaiyan AM, Wilson A, Mehra R, Reichert Z, Carey LA, Perou C, Kelly E, Maeda D, Goto A, Kulka J, Szekely B, Szasz M, Tokes AM, Van Den Bogaert W, Floris G, Desmedt C.  Research autopsy programs in oncology: shared experience from 14 centers across the world. J. Pathol. 2024 June;263(2):150-165. (*co-first authors)

In Press

Ocon B, Xiang M, Bi Y, Tan S, Brulois KF, Ayesha A, Kunte M, Zhou C, Lajevic M, Lazarus N, Hooper JE, Huang M, Handel T, Dawson JRD, Kufareva I, Zabel B, Pan J, Butcher E. A shared lymphocyte chemoaffinity program for respiratory tract, non-intestinal mucosae and central nervous system.  Accepted Nature, Sept 2024.


Pavlovitch-Bedzyk AJ, Chirieleison SM, Horn H, Colberg D, Lawson C, Dandyba E, Sola E, Reilly E, Hooper JE, Momeni A, Nazerali R, Balmain A, Koehler H, David MM, Kuo CJ. An adult human skin epidermal-dermal organoid system models drug sensitivity and immune responses to viral infection. Submitted Nature Biotech, August 2024.

Moses A, Malek R, Kendirli MT, Cheung P, Landry M, Herrera-Barrera M, Granucci M, Bukhari SA, Hooper JE, Hayden-Gephart M, Dixon SJ, Recht LD, Beinat C. Monitoring of cancer ferroptosis with [18F]hGTS13, a system xc- specific radiotracer. Submitted Theranostics, August 2024.
