  • Pathology and pathobiology of pulmonary hypertension: current insights and future directions. Guignabert C, Aman J, Bonnet S, Dorfmüller P, Olschewski AJ, Pullamsetti S, Rabinovitch M, Schermuly RT, Humbert M, Stenmark KR. Eur Respir J. 2024 Aug 29:2401095. (PMID: 39209474)
  • Genetic and functional analysis of Raynaud's syndrome implicates loci in vasculature and immunity. Tervi A, Ramste M, Abner E, Cheng P, Lane JM, Maher M, Valliere J, Lammi V, Strausz S, Riikonen J, Nguyen T, Martyn GE, Sheth MU, Xia F, Docampo ML, Gu W; FinnGen, Estonian Biobank research team; Esko T, Saxena R, Pirinen M, Palotie A, Ripatti S, Sinnott-Armstrong N, Daly M, Engreitz JM, Rabinovitch M, Heckman CA, Quertermous T, Jones SE, Ollila HM. Cell Genome. 2024 Sep 11;4(9):100630. (PMCID: PMC11480858)
  • Life-saving effect of pulmonary surfactant in premature babies.  Raj JU, Bland RD, Bhattacharya J, Rabinovitch M, Matthay MA. J Clin Invest. 2024 May 1;134(9):e179948. (PMCID: PMC11060732)
  • High Shear Stress Reduces ERG Causing Endothelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Shinohara T, Moonen JR, Chun YH, Lee-Yow YC, Okamura K, Szafron JM, Kaplan J, Cao A, Wang L, Taylor S, Isobe S, Dong M, Yang W, Guo K, Franco BD, Pacharinsak C, Pisani LJ, Saitoh S, Mitani Y, Marsden AL, Engreitz JM, Körbelin J, Rabinovitch M. bioRxiv. [Preprint]. 2024 Feb 4:2024.02.02.578526. (PMCID: PMC10862818)
  • A Computational Growth and Remodeling Framework for Adaptive and Maladaptive Pulmonary Arterial Hemodynamics. Szafron JM, Yang W, Feinstein JA, Rabinovitch M, Marsden AL. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. 2023 Dec;22(6):1935-51. (PMCID: PMC10929588)
  • Reduced FOXF1 Links Unrepaired DNA Damage to Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Isobe S, Nair RV, Kang HY, Wang L, Moonen JR, Shinohara T, Cao A, Taylor S, Otsuki S, Marciano DP, Harper RL, Adil MS, Zhang C, Lago-Docampo M, Körbelin J, Engreitz JM, Snyder MP, Rabinovitch M. Nat. Commun. 2023 Nov 21;14(1):7578. (PMCID: PMC1066361)
  • Single-Cell Imaging Maps Inflammatory Cell Subsets to Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Vasculopathy. Ferrian S, Cao A, McCaffrey EF, Saito T, Greenwald NF, Nicolls MR, Bruce T, Zamanian RT, Del Rosario P, Rabinovitch M, Angelo M. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2024 Jan 15;209(2):206-18. (PMCID: PMC10806425)
  • Dysregulated Smooth Muscle Cell BMPR2 - ARRB2 Axis Causes Pulmonary Hypertension. Wang L, Moonen JR, Cao A, Isobe S, Li CG, Tojais NF, Taylor S, Marciano DP, Chen PI, Gu M, Li D, Harper RL, El-Bizri N, Kim YM, Stankunas K, Rabinovitch M. Circ Res. 2023;132:545–564 (PMCID: PMC10008520)
  • KLF4 recruits SWI/SNF to increase chromatin accessibility and reprogram the endothelial enhancer landscape under laminar shear stress. Moonen JR, Chappell J, Shi M, Shinohara T, Li D, Mumbach MR, Zhang F, Nair RV, Nasser J, Mai DH, Taylor S, Wang L, Metzger RJ, Chang HY, Engreitz JM, Snyder MP, Rabinovitch M.  Nat Commun. 2022 Aug 23;13(1):4941. (PMCID: PMC9399231)
  • KMT2D-Notch Mediates Coronary Abnormalities in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Yu Z, Zhou X, Liu Z, Pastrana-Gomez V, Liu Y, Guo M, Tian L, Nelson TJ, Wang N, Mital S, Chitayat D, Wu JC, Rabinovitch M, Wu SM, Snyder MP, Miao Y, Gu M. Circ Res. 2022 Jul 22;131(3):280-282. (PMID: 35762338)
  • Endogenous retroviral elements generate pathologic neutrophils in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Taylor S, Isobe S, Cao A, Contrepois K, Benayoun BA, Jiang L, Wang L, Melemenidis S, Ozen MO, Otsuki S, Shinohara T, Sweatt AJ, Kaplan J, Moonen JR, Marciano DP, Gu M, Miyagawa K, Hayes B, Sierra RG, Kupitz CJ, Del Rosario PA, Hsi A, Thompson AAR, Ariza ME, Demirci U, Zamanian RT, Haddad F, Nicolls MR, Snyder MP, Rabinovitch M.  Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2022 Oct 15;206(8):1019-34. (PMID: 35696338; PMCID in progress)
  • Role of endothelial cells in pulmonary fibrosis via SREBP2 activation. Martin M, Zhang J, Miao Y, He M, Kang J, Huang HY, Chou CH, Huang TS, Hong HC, Su SH, Wong SS, Harper RL, Wang L, Bhattacharjee R, Huang HD, Chen ZB, Malhotra A, Rabinovitch M, Hagood JS, Shyy JY. JCI Insight. 2021 Nov 22;6(22):e125635. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.125635. PMID: 34806652

Computational simulation-derived hemodynamic and biomechanical properties of the pulmonary arterial tree early in the course of ventricular septal defects. Dong ML, Lan IS, Yang W, Rabinovitch M, Feinstein JA, Marsden AL. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. 2021 Dec;20(6):2471-89. (PMID: 34585299)

  • Monocyte released HERV-K dUTPase engages TLR4 and MCAM causing endothelial mesenchymal transition. Otsuki S, Saito T, Taylor S, Li D, Moonen JR, Marciano D, Harper RL, Cao A, Wang L, Ariza ME, Rabinovitch M. JCI Insight 2021 Jun 29:146416.
  • Severe Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension is Characterized by Increased Neutrophil Elastase and Relative Elafin Deficiency. Sweatt AJ, Miyagawa K, Rhodes CJ, Taylor S, del Rosario PA, His A, Haddad F, Spiekerkoetter E, Roof MB, Bland RD, Swietlik EM, Graf S, Wilkins MR, Morrell NW, Nicolls MR, Rabinovitch M, Zamanian RT. Chest 2021 Jun 25:S0012-3692(21)01255-1.
  • Frataxin deficiency promotes endothelial senescence in pulmonary hypertension.Frataxin deficiency promotes endothelial senescence in pulmonary hypertension. Culley MK, Zhao J, Tai YY, Tang Y, Perk D, Negi V, Yu Q, Woodcock CC, Handen A, Speyer G, Kim S, Lai YC, Satoh T, Watson AM, Aaraj YA, Sembrat J, Rojas M, Goncharov D, Goncharova EA, Khan OF, Anderson DG, Dahlman JE, Gurkar AU, Lafyatis R, Fayyaz AU, Redfield MM, Gladwin MT, Rabinovitch M, Gu M, Bertero T, Chan SY. J Clin Invest 2021 Jun 1;131(11):136459.
  • iPSC-Endothelial Cell Phenotypic Drug Screening and in Silico Analyses Identify Tryphostin-AG1296 for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Gu M, Donato M, Miao Y, Mao S, Saito T, Otsuki S, Wang L, Harper RL, Sa S, Khatri P, Rabinovitch M. Science Transl Med 2021 May 5;13(592):eaba6480.
  • ALDH1A3 Coordinates Metabolism with Gene Regulation in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Li D, Shao N-Y, Moonen J-R, Zhao A, Shi M, Otsuki S, Wang L, Nguyen T, Yan E, Maricano DP, Contrepois K, Li CG, Wu JC, Snyder MP, Rabinovitch M. Circulation 2021 May 25;143(2):2074-90.
  • Targeted proteomics of right heart adaptation to pulmonary arterial hypertension. Amsallem M, Sweatt AJ, Arthur Ataam J, Guihaire J, Lecerf F, Lambert M, Ghigna MR, Ali MK, Mao Y, Fadel E, Rabinovitch M, de Jesus Perez V, Spiekerkoetter E, Mercier O, Haddad F, Zamanian RT. Eur Respir J 2021 Apr 8;57(4):2002428.
  • PPARgamma-p53-Mediated Vasculoregenerative Program to Reverse Pulmonary Hypertension. Hennigs JK, Cao A, Li CG, Shi M, Mienert J, Miyagawa K, Körbelin J, Marciano DP, Chen PI, Roughley M, Elliott MV, Harper RL, Bill MA, Chappell J, Moonen JR, Diebold I, Wang L, Snyder MP, Rabinovitch M. Circ Res 2021; Feb 5;128(3):401-18.
  • Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Implicate Intrinsic Impaired Contractility in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Paige SL, Galdos FX, Lee S, Chin ET, Ranjbarvaziri S, Feyen DAM, Darsha AK, Xu S, Ryan JA, Beck AL, Qureshi MY, Miao Y, Gu M, Bernstein D, Nelson TJ, Mercola M, Rabinovitch M, Ashley EA, Parikh VN, Wu SM. Circulation. 2020 Oct 20;142(16):1605-08.
  • Intrinsic Endocardial Defects Contribute to Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Miao Y, Tian L, Martin M, Paige SL, Galdos FX, Li J, Klein A, Zhang H, Ma N, Wei Y, Stewart M, Lee S, Moonen JR, Zhang B, Grossfeld P, Mital S, Chitayat D, Wu JC, Rabinovitch M, Nelson TJ, Nie S, Wu SM, Gu M. Cell Stem Cell. 2020 Oct 1;27(4):574-89.
  • Image-based scaling laws for somatic growth and pulmonary artery morphometry from infancy to adulthood. Dong M, Yang W, Tamaresis JS, Chan FP, Zucker EJ, Kumar S, Rabinovitch M, Marsden AL, Feinstein JA. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2020 Aug 1;319(2):H432-42.
  • Genomic integrity of human induced pluripotent stem cells across nine studies in the NHLBI NextGen program. Kanchan K, Iyer K, Yanek LR, Carcamo-Orive I, Taub MA, Malley C, Baldwin K, Becker LC, Broeckel U, Cheng L, Cowan C, D'Antonio M, Frazer KA, Quertermous T, Mostoslavsky G, Murphy G, Rabinovitch M, Rader DJ, Steinberg MH, Topol E, Yang W, Knowles JW, Jaquish CE, Ruczinski I, Mathias RA. Stem Cell Res. 2020 Jul;46:101803.
  • Cellular senescence impairs the reversibility of pulmonary arterial hypertension. van der Feen DE, Bossers GPL, Hagdorn QAJ, Moonen JR, Kurakula K, Szulcek R, Chappell J, Vallania F, Donato M, Kok K, Kohli JS, Petersen AH, van Leusden T, Demaria M, Goumans MTH, De Boer RA, Khatri P, Rabinovitch M, Berger RMF, Bartelds B. Sci Transl Med. 2020 Jul 29;12(554):eaaw4974.
  • Clinical trial in a dish using iPSCs shows lovastatin improves endothelial dysfunction and cellular cross-talk in LMNA cardiomyopathy. Sayed N, Liu C, Ameen M, Himmati F, Zhang JZ, Khanamiri S, Moonen JR, Wnorowski A, Cheng L, Rhee JW, Gaddam S, Wang KC, Sallam K, Boyd JH, Woo YJ, Rabinovitch M, Wu JC. Sci Transl Med. 2020 Jul 29;12(554):eaax9276.
  • Landscape of Cohesin-Mediated Chromatin Loops in the Human Genome. Grubert F, Srivas R, Spacek DV, Kasowski M, Velasco MR, Sinnott-Armstrong N, Greenside P, Narasimha A, Liu Q, Geller B, Sanghi A, Kulik M, Sa S, Rabinovitch M, Kundaje A, Dalton S, Zaugg J, Snyder MP. Nature. 2020 Jul;583(7818):737-743. 
  • PPARgamma Interaction with UBR5/ATMIN Promotes DNA Repair to Maintain Endothelial Homeostasis. Li, C. G., Mahon, C., Sweeney, N. M., Verschueren, E., Kantamani, V., Li, D., Hennigs, J. K., Marciano, D. P., Diebold, I., Abu-Halawa, O., Elliott, M., Sa, S., Guo, F., Wang, L., Cao, A., Guignabert, C., Sollier, J., Nickel, N. P., Kaschwich, M., Cimprich, K. A., Rabinovitch, M. Cell Reports. 2019; 26 (5): 1333.
  • Remodeling of active endothelial enhancers is associated with aberrant gene-regulatory networks in pulmonary arterial hypertension. . Reyes-Palomares A, Gu M, Grubert F, Berest I, Sa S, Kasowski M, Arnold C, Shuai M, Srivas R, Miao S, Li D, Snyder MP, Rabinovitch M, Zaugg JB. Nat Commun. 2020 Apr 3;11(1):1673.
  • Smooth Muscle Contact Drives Endothelial Regeneration by BMPR2-Notch1 Mediated Metabolic and Epigenetic Changes. Miyagawa, K., Shi, M., Chen, P., Hennigs, J. K., Zhao, Z., Wang, M., Li, C. G., Saito, T., Taylor, S., Sa, S., Cao, A., Wang, L., Snyder, M. P., Rabinovitch, M. Circ Res. 2019 Jan 18;124(2):211-24.
  • Elafin treatment rescues EGFR-Klf4 signaling and lung cell survival in ventilated newborn mice . Alejandre Alcazar MA, Kaschwich M, Ertsey R, Preuss S, Milla C, Mujahid S, Masumi J, Khan S, Mokres LM, Tian L, Mohr J, Hirani DV, Rabinovitch M, Bland RD. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2018 Nov;59(5):623-34.
  • Right ventricular stroke work correlates with outcomes in pediatric pulmonary arterial hypertension . Yang W, Marsden AL, Ogawa MT, Sakarovitch C, Hall KK, Rabinovitch M, Feinstein JA. Pulm Circ. 2018 Jul-Sep;8(3):2045894018780534.
  • Dominant Role for Regulatory T Cells in Protecting Females Against Pulmonary Hypertension. Tamosiuniene R, Manouvakhova O, Mesange P, Saito T, Qian J, Sanyal M, Lin YC, Nguyen LP, Luria A, Tu AB, Sante JM, Rabinovitch M, Fitzgerald DJ, Graham BB, Habtezion A, Voelkel NF, Aurelian L, Nicolls MR. Circ Res. 2018 Jun 8;122(12):1689-1702.
  • Upregulation of Human Endogenous Retrovirus-K is Linked to Immunity and Inflammation in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Saito T, Miyagawa K, Chen SY, Tamosiuniene R, Wang L, Sharp O, Samayoa E, Harada D, Moonen JAJ, Cao A, Chen PI, Hennigs JK, Gu M, Li CG, Leib RD, Li D, Adams CM, Del Rosario PA, Bill MA, Haddad F, Montoya JG, Robinson W, Fantl WJ, Nolan GP, Zamanian RT, Nicolls MR, Chiu CY, Ariza ME, Rabinovitch M. Circulation. 2017 Nov 14;136(20):1920-1935.
  • Codependence of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor 2 and Transforming Growth Factor-β in Elastic Fiber Assembly and Its Perturbation in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Tojais NF, Cao A, Lai YJ, Wang L, Chen PI, Alcazar MAA, de Jesus Perez V, Hopper RK, Rhodes CJ, Bill MA, Sakai LY, Rabinovitch M. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2017 Aug;37(8):1559-69.
  • Amphetamines Promote Mitochondrial Dysfunction and DNA Damage in Pulmonary Hypertension. Chen P-I, Cao A, Miyagawa K, Tojais NF, Hennigs JK, Li CG, Sweeney NM, Inglis AS, Wang L, Li D, Ye M, Feldman BJ, and Rabinovitch M.  JCI Insight 2017, Jan 26;2(2):e90427
  • iPSC Model of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Reveals Novel Gene Expression and Patient Specificity. Sa S, Gu M, Chappell JC, Shao N-Y, Li D, Ameen M, Elliot K, Grubert F, Li CG, Taylor S, Cao A, Ma Y, Fong R, Nguyen L, Wu JC, Snyder MP, Rabinovitch M. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017 Apr 1;195(7):930-41
  • Patient-Specific iPSC Derived Endothelial Cells Uncover Pathways that Protect Against Pulmonary Hypertension in BMPR2 Mutation Carriers. Gu M, Shao N-Y, Silin Sa S, Li D, Termglinchan V, Ameen M, Karakikes I, Sosa G, Grubert F, Lee J, Cao A, Taylor S, Ma Y, Zhao Z, Chappell J, Hamid R, Austin ED, Gold JD, Wu JC, Snyder MP,  Rabinovitch M. Cell Stem Cell. 2017 Apr 6;20(4):490-504
  • In Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Reduced BMPR2 Promotes Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition Via HMGA1 and its Target Slug. Hopper RK, Moonen JA, Diebold I, Cao A, Rhodes CJ, Tojais NF, Hennigs JK, Gu M, Wang L, Rabinovitch M. Circulation. 2016 May 3;133(18):1783-94
  • RNA Sequencing Analysis Detection of a Novel Pathway of Endothelial Dysfunction in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Rhodes, C. J., Im, H., Cao, A., Hennigs, J. K., Wang, L., Sa, S., Chen, P., Nickel, N. P., Miyagawa, K., Hopper, R. K., Tojais, N. F., Li, C. G., Gu, M., Spiekerkoetter, E., Xian, Z., Chen, R., Zhao, M., Kaschwich, M., del Rosario, P. A., Bernstein, D., Zamanian, R. T., Wu, J. C., Snyder, M. P., Rabinovitch, M. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.  2015; 192 (3): 356-366
  • Elafin Reverses Pulmonary Hypertension via Caveolin-1-Dependent Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling. Nickel, N. P., Spiekerkoetter, E., Gu, M., Li, C. G., Li, H., Kaschwich, M., Diebold, I., Hennigs, J. K., Kim, K., Miyagawa, K., Wang, L., Cao, A., Sa, S., Jiang, X., Stockstill, R. W., Nicolls, M. R., Zamanian, R. T., Bland, R. D., Rabinovitch, M. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015; 191 (11): 1273-1286
  • BMPR2 Preserves Mitochondrial Function and DNA during Reoxygenation to Promote Endothelial Cell Survival and Reverse Pulmonary Hypertension
    Diebold, I., Hennigs, J. K., Miyagawa, K., Li, C. G., Nickel, N. P., Kaschwich, M., Cao, A., Wang, L., Reddy, S., Chen, P., Nakahira, K., Alcazar, M. A., Hopper, R. K., Ji, L., Feldman, B. J., Rabinovitch, M. Cell Metabolism.  2015; 21 (4): 596-608
  • Inflammation and Immunity in the Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Rabinovitch, M., Guignabert, C., Humbert, M., Nicolls, M. R. Circ Res.  2014; 115 (1): 165-175
  • Reduced BMPR2 expression induces GM-CSF translation and macrophage recruitment in humans and mice to exacerbate pulmonary hypertension
    Sawada, H., Saito, T., Nickel, N. P., Alastalo, T., Glotzbach, J. P., Chan, R., Haghighat, L., Fuchs, G., Januszyk, M., Cao, A., Lai, Y., Perez, V. D., Kim, Y., Wang, L., Chen, P., Spiekerkoetter, E., Mitani, Y., Gurtner, G. C., Sarnow, P., Rabinovitch, M. J Exp Med. 2014; 211 (2): 263-280
  • FK506 activates BMPR2, rescues endothelial dysfunction, and reverses pulmonary hypertension. Spiekerkoetter, E., Tian, X., Cai, J., Hopper, R. K., Sudheendra, D., Li, C. G., El-Bizri, N., Sawada, H., Haghighat, R., Chan, R., Haghighat, L., de Jesus Perez, V., Wang, L., Reddy, S., Zhao, M., Bernstein, D., Solow-Cordero, D. E., Beachy, P. A., Wandless, T. J., ten Dijke, P., Rabinovitch, M.   J Clin Invest. 2013; 123 (8): 3600-3613
  • Combining induced pluripotent stem cell with next generation sequencing technology to gain new insights into pathobiology and treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Rabinovitch, M. Pulmonary Criculation. 2013; 3 (1): 153-155
  • Loss of adenomatous poliposis coli-a3 integrin interaction promotes endothelial apoptosis in mice and humans.. de Jesus Perez, V. A., Yuan, K., Orcholski, M. E., Sawada, H., Zhao, M., Li, C. G., Tojais, N. F., Nickel, N., Rajagopalan, V., Spiekerkoetter, E., Wang, L., Dutta, R., Bernstein, D., Rabinovitch, M. Circ Res. 2012; 111 (12): 1551-1564
  • Neutrophil Elastase Is Produced by Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells and Is Linked to Neointimal Lesions. Kim, Y., Haghighat, L., Spiekerkoetter, E., Sawada, H., Alvira, C. M., Wang, L., Acharya, S., Rodriguez-Colon, G., Orton, A., Zhao, M., Rabinovitch, M. Am J Pathol. 2011; 179 (3): 1560-1572
  • Disruption of PPAR gamma/beta-catenin-mediated regulation of apelin impairs BMP-induced mouse and human pulmonary arterial EC survival
    Alastalo, T., Li, M., Perez, V. D., Pham, D., Sawada, H., Wang, J. K., Koskenvuo, M., Wang, L., Freeman, B. A., Chang, H. Y., Rabinovitch, M.  J Clin Invest.  2011; 121 (9): 3735-3746
  • Inhibition of Transforming Growth Factor beta Worsens Elastin Degradation in a Murine Model of Kawasaki Disease Alvira, C. M., Guignabert, C., Kim, Y., Chen, C., Wang, L., Duong, T. T., Yeung, R. S., Li, D. Y., Rabinovitch, M. Am J Pathol.  2011; 178 (3): 1210-1220
  • BMP promotes motility and represses growth of smooth muscle cells by activation of tandem Wnt pathways. Perez, V. A., Ali, Z., Alastalo, T., Ikeno, F., Sawada, H., Lai, Y., Kleisli, T., Spiekerkoetter, E., Qu, X., Rubinos, L. H., Ashley, E., Amieva, M., Dedhar, S., Rabinovitch, M. J Cell Biol.  2011; 192 (1): 171-188
    This article is featured in biobytes podcast, http://jcb.rupress.org/content/192/1/171/suppl/DC2
  • Tie2-mediated loss of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma in mice causes PDGF receptor-beta-dependent pulmonary arterial muscularization Guignabert, C., Alvira, C. M., Alastalo, T., Sawada, H., Hansmann, G., Zhao, M., Wang, L., El-Bizri, N., Rabinovitch, M..  Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2009; 297 (6): L1082-L1090
  • S100A4 and Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Codependently Induce Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Migration via Phospho-Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase and Chloride Intracellular Channel 4. Spiekerkoetter, E., Guignabert, C., Perez, V. D., Alastalo, T., Powers, J. M., Wang, L., Lawrie, A., Ambartsumian, N., Schmidt, A., Berryman, M., Ashley, R. H., Rabinovitch, M. Circ Res. 2009; 105 (7): 639-U37
  • Bone morphogenetic protein 2 induces pulmonary angiogenesis via Wnt-beta-catenin and Wnt-RhoA-Rac1 pathways. Perez, V. A., Alastalo, T., Wu, J. C., Axelrod, J. D., Cooke, J. P., Amieva, M., Rabinovitch, M. J Cell Biol.  2009; 184 (1): 83-99
  • SM22 alpha-targeted deletion of bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1A in mice impairs cardiac and vascular development, and influences organogenesis. El-Bizri, N., Guignabert, C., Wang, L., Cheng, A., Stankunas, K., Chang, C., Mishina, Y., Rabinovitch, M. Development . 2008; 135 (17): 2981-2991
  • Marlene Rabinovitch, MD — All Publications