
In the Stanford Anesthesia Program, all residents get a core regional rotation of 4 weeks. During this month they rotate between our academic practice at Stanford and our outpatient service at Redwood City. All residents far surpass the ACGME minimum requirements, with particular proficiency with catheter placement and management.

The core rotation can also be supplemented by an additional elective rotation (2 weeks) and ortho senior rotation (2 weeks). The elective rotation is tailored to the procedural experience required for each resident’s ongoing practice. During the ortho senior rotation, residents place the blocks for their own intraoperative patients to allow the growth of full autonomy.

Our resident educational program also includes a monthly journal club, seven annual ultrasound workshops, and three annual cadaver workshops.

All our onboarding, orientation, education, clinical pathways, and research activities can be found on our regional intranet (SUNet Login required).


Please feel free to contact Dr. Sultan at esultan@stanford.eduregarding your upcoming rotation.

Ellile Sultan, MD