QSU Policy on Data Use and Sharing

(Note to all Stanford Investigators. Effective January 25, 2023, the NIH has a new Data Management and Sharing Policy. For new NIH requirements, please review details here: https://sharing.nih.gov/data-management-and-sharing-policy/about-data-management-and-sharing-policy/data-management-and-sharing-policy-overview#after)

QSU Policy on Data Use and Sharing (for all our collaborators to be informed of)

The QSU will not share any form of data – raw or derived data – with any individual who is not the PI. Responsibility of data sharing will solely be the responsibility of the PI. 

The QSU member working on the study can set up a shared secure Stanford Medicine Box folder – with the PI only – in order to receive data and to upload derived data. The Box will have permissions such that only the QSU member and the PI have access to the Box.

The QSU will not be involved in the process of sharing data with other parties including colleagues of the PI, post-doctoral fellows of the PI or other members of the PI's lab or the sponsor. The QSU will, however, share code used to create derived data or analytic files, to facilitate reproducibility of findings.

The sharing of and access to data with any QSU member should always be done in a secure manner and adhere to the HIPAA Minimum Necessary Rule. This can be achieved via Stanford Medicine Box or “secure:” Stanford e-mail only.


For more information on data sharing, please contact your QSU collaborator.

These steps were inspired by the guide authored by Jeff Leek at https://github.com/jtleek/datasharing.

QSU Data Use Agreement Template (Word) 

QSU Data Use Agreement Template (PDF)