Yingjie (Isabel) Weng, M.H.S.
Isabel joined the QSU in October 2017. She completed her M.H.S in Epidemiology from Johns Hopkins University in 2014. At Hopkins, she worked as a data manager and statistician with data coordination center of METRC (Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium) for three years on two major multi-center trauma trials. Isabel also worked with the S-SPIRE (Stanford- Surgery Policy Improvement Research & Education) center to develop prediction models for surgery-related outcomes using data from the Electronic Health Records (EHRs).
Methodology Area of Interest: Isabel is primarily interested in longitudinal data analysis, prediction models and machine learning methods.
Clinical Area of Interest: Healthcare quality researches, chronic disease researches including cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
· Weng YJ, Tian L, Desai K, Tedesco T, Yim W, Asch S, Carroll I, Curtin C, McDonald K, Hernandez-Boussard T. Trajectory Analysis for Postoperative Pain Using Electronic Health Records– A Non-parametric Method with Robust Linear Regression and K-Medians Cluster Analysis. Joint Statistical Meeting 2017, Contributed Paper Presentation
· Kwong JZ, Weng YJ, Finnegan M, Schaffer R, Remington A, Curtin C, McDonald K , Bhattacharya J, Hernandez-Boussard T. Effect of Medicare's Nonpayment Policy on Surgical Site Infections following Orthopedic Procedures. Inf Cont Hosp Epi, 2017: 1-6.
· Rosenberg, G. M., Knowlton, L., Rajasingh, C., Weng, Y., Maggio, P. M., Spain, D. A., Staudenmayer, K. L. (2017). National Readmission Patterns of Isolated Splenic Injuries Based on Initial Management Strategy. JAMA surgery.
· Harris AHS, Kuo AC, Weng, Y , Bowe T, Gupta S, Giori NJ. Cross-Validation of Existing Models of Risk Following TJA and Development of a TJA-Specific Risk Calculator from ACS NSQIP Data. 2017 Members Meeting of The Knee Society, Naples, FL, September 15-16, 2017.
· Miller E R, Cooper L A, Carson K A, Wang N, Appel J L, Gayles D, Charleston J, You N, Weng YJ, et al. A Dietary Intervention in Urban African Americans: Results of the “Five Plus Nuts and Beans” Randomized Trial[J]. American journal of preventive medicine, 2016, 50(1): 87-95
· Castillo RC, METRC (Weng Y. et al) (2017). Improving Pain Management and Long-Term Outcomes Following High-Energy Orthopaedic Trauma (Pain Study). Journal of Orthopaedic Truama, 31, S71-S77